Serial Number 602


Akio Nakahara : Lytton Strachey's “Florence Nightingale”Reevaluated (1)

Masayoshi Kawauchi : Some Questions concerning the Gion Festival in Nara

Michiyo Maruyama : The Reflected Figure in a Convex Mirror as a Narrative
   Metaphor of Nabokov's Pnin

Chieko Yoshimoto and Jin Shi : The Ancient Khitan Custom “the Affiliation of Wife's
   Personal Name to Her Husband” and the “Affiliation of Son's Personal Name to His
   Father” ― A New Study on the Property of the “Style Name” of the Khitans


Machibure Kenkyukai : Document of Kanaya (金屋) Village in Yamato,
   of TANAKA (田中) Family in Settu


Von Werner Jaeger (translated by Yoshihiko Murashima) : Plato and Posterity

November 2007
Edited by
The Literary Association of Ritsumeikan University Kyoto, Japan