The Ritsumeikan Bungaku

Serial Number 678

Junki Toyoshima:Restoration of Two Precedents Contained in Compilation of
Topically Arranged Legal Code of Imperial Ming Dynasty (皇明條法事類纂
Huangming Tiaofa Shileizuan), Volume 29
Ryuzo Ueno:Reception of the Film Legend of the Demon Cat in China:
An Analysis of Chinese Newspaper Articles Published After Its Release
Marina B. Asad:Grounding Process in the Initiation of Japanese Complaint
Sequences: A Comparison between Role Play Data and Daily Casual
Conversation Data
Tianyi Du:On Prepositional/Postpositional Phrase Expressing Movement
in Chinese, Japanese and English: From the Viewpoint of their Structural
Positions and Syntactic Movement
Natasha Eaton (translated by Tadao Nakamura):
Hodges’s Visual Genealogy for Colonial India, 1780-95