Critical Incident

Read the following critical incident and choose the best possible answer. Explain why you choose it after discussing it with your neighboring friends.

Critical Incident #2

Yoko is taking English conversation class with Miss Jones. Miss Jones always brings a cup of coffee to class and drinking it while she is teaching. Yoko was very surprised to see Miss Jones drinking coffee in the class, because she has never seen any Japanese teacher bring something to drink to class. Yoko didn't understand why Miss Jones did so and concluded that Miss Jones was impolite and was not serious enough. Is Yoko's interpretation correct? Why does Miss Jones bring coffee to class?

1. Yoko is right. Miss Jones is tiered of teaching English to the students who can hardly carry on any conversation in English. She doesn't take her job seriously.

2. Yoko is not right. Miss Jones' behavior is very natural by American standards. Many American teachers drink coffee while they teach. It's their way of teaching. Therefore, Miss Jones has no intension of being rude to her students.

3. Yoko is not right. Miss Jones tried to create a relaxed atmosphere so that her students felt free to speak in English. That's why she always brings her coffee to class and drink it in class.

4. Yoko is not right. Americans love coffee. They can't live without coffee. Miss Jones needs to drink coffee even when she teaches.

Write the chosen number and the reason(s) here.


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