
SGH Rits Super Global Forum (RSGF) 2015 閉幕


Super Global High School (SGH)
Rits Super Global Forum



SGH  Rits Super Global Forum(RSGF)2015 が閉幕


 125()、今回で第2回目となるRits Super Global ForumRSGF)が閉幕しました。今回のRSGFでは、計6か国8校から61名の高校生と海外教員17人が参加され、日本の立命館とあわせて、計7か国の高校生131名と立命館大学の留学生TAの20人、総勢151名が、合計10時間を超えるディスカッションを行い、For the Construction of World Peace”というメインテーマのもと、5つのTopicsについて、グループに分かれて(もちろん、英語で)話し合いました。


 生徒実行委員長の 川島 涼太郎 くんの Closing Speech を紹介します。

 Good afternoon, everyone.  RSGF 2015 is nearly over.  These 6 days have passed so quickly.  I know that all of us here are not only exhausted, but also fulfilled with a sense of accomplishment.  We had a lot of events in this forum.  We visited the temples and the Museum.  We made poster presentations.  We enjoyed the lunch party.  We interacted with primary school students.  We discussed our topics for a whole day.  We played our original skits.  We shared ideas thorough presentations.  We debated at the Panel discussion.  We also learned about other cultures through cultural performances and farewell party.  And we are here now.

 On the first day, the student committee asked some of you about your ambitions in this forum.  And many of you answered that you were looking forward to having discussions from many perspectives.  Personally, I feel that we all could discuss the complicated issues enthusiastically by sharing our own ideas and opinions.  I hope you feel the same way.  The main theme of this forum is “For the Construction of World Peace”.  To think about the realization of world peace, we had discussions about 5 topics in 20 groups.  Although there is no clear definition of World Peace, we were able to consider the ideas which can move the current situation forward.  It means that we all have our own general images of Ideal World Peace.  Just like Rome, World Peace is not built in a day.  We discussed for more than 10 hours in total, but we haven't carried out anything yet.  Making presentations or holding a panel discussion are goals of this forum, but they are not goals for the construction of world peace.  RSGF is the first step to achieve the construction of Ideal World Peace.  This is just a slight step, but this is also a great progress for us in facing global issues.

 Finally, I would like to say thank you to all the participants.  With your great cooperation, RSGF ended with a great success.  To tell the truth, I will really miss you all.  However, the next place we can meet again will not turn out to be here.  You will go back to your countries, and we will build up our skills individually.  Then, we will meet again in international society to tackle global issues.  I'm looking forward to working with you again in the future.  Let's keep making efforts for the Construction of World Peace.

 Thank you.

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