
The seminar in Numai Lab. is composed of four courses.

(1) Exercise (Pre-Entrance)

 Junior students, who are temporary registered in Numai Lab., solve problems on electromagnetics.
Then, they explain the solutions and the fundamentals of the electromagnetic theory to their classmates.
This exercise helps the students to review the basis which is required to do research and to improve their presentaion skills.

(2) Reading Circle (The First Term for Senior Students)

 Senior students, which are registered in Numai Lab., read books and explain the books in turn. This course makes the students to study actively, to improve their communication skills, and to learn science and technology as a preparation to research.

(3) Briefing of Journals (The Second Term for Senior Students)

 Senior students report on Journal papers and Letters, which are closely related to their own research. This course is part of a preparation to write introduction in their thesises.

(4) Research Meeting (The Second Term for Senior Students)

 Senior students report on their own research and discuss their results and research plans. Some students rehearse presentations for technical meetings and conferences.