Research and realization of future system for stable food sufficiency

The food sufficiency in Japan has been decreasing now(2004) below 40% from 73% at 1965. It is therefore one of the most important work to improve our potential for food sufficiency in the recent world situation in chaos, both to keep our stable life and to play an effective role of food supplying in the world. We research in our laboratory the efficient way of plant factories as a new food manufacturing system based on technological combination of agriculture, engineering and management. We will also consider some measurements to improve our food sufficiency additionally from the view of social aspect, for example higher efficiency of food supplying system, optimum community system based on food culture.



Optimization of the social system for stable food sufficiency
  • Modeling of an optimum society based on a food supplying system

    (1) A reasonable way of sustainable food manufacturing with energy circulation

            - Plant factories - as one of the most efficient method

    (2) Concurrent engineering, Attractiveness for consumers 

    (3) Activation of area

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  • Research on the reasonable way of plant factories and its optimization

    (1) A reasonable way of plant factories and the optimization of its situation

     - The position in urban agriculture, Suggestion of human-life-friendly agriculture

    (2) Higher efficiency of the atmosphere control in plant factories

     - Minimizing of energy input, Optimum method of monitoring, Model study

    (3) Suggestion of an open plant factories for consumers and confirmation of the efficiency

     - Ubiquitous control, Universal design, Virtual reality

     - Consumers' communication, Community, Consumer oriented development and management



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