


Copyright A.Kitaoka 2003



Copyright A.Kitaoka 2003



Copyright A.Kitaoka 2002 (December 28, 2002)

*1For the scintillation grid illusion, see:

Schrauf, M., Lingelbach, B., Lingelbach, E., Wist, E.R. (1995) The Hermann grid and the scintillation effect. Perception, 24, suppl. 88-89
--- Actually the third author Elke Lingelbach discovered the effect.
Schrauf, M., Lingelbach, B., Wist, E.R. (1997) The scintillating grid illusion. Vision Research, 37, 1033-1038.
Institut fur Augenoptik Aalen --- Click "Taushungen" (illusions).

*2For the vanishing disk illusion, see:

McAnany, J. J., & Levine, M. W. (2002). The vanishing disk; a revealing quirk of the scintillating grid illusion [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 2(7), 204a, http://journalofvision.org/2/7/204/, DOI 10.1167/2.7.204

*3For the vanishing disk illusion, I think that Ninio and Stevens's paper might be the first report:

Ninio, J. & Stevens, K. A. (2000). Variations on the Hermann grid: an extnction illusion. Perception, 29, 1209-1217.
