Shugen MA (IEEE Fellow, JSME Fellow) received the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering science from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1991. From 1991 to 1992, he was a Researcher with Komatsu Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. From 1992 to 1993, he was a Visiting Scholar with the University of California, Riverside, CA, USA. In 1993, he joined the Department of Systems Engineering, Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan, as an Assistant Professor. In 2005, he joined Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan, where he is currently a Professor with the Department of Robotics. His current research interests include the design and control theory of new types of robots, field robotics, and biorobotics.

Dr. Ma is a Fellow of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and a member of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan and the Robotics Society of Japan. He is the General Chair of the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. He was an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ROBOTICS from 2003 to 2007 and an Editor for Advanced Robotics from 2007.

Department of Robotics
Ritsumeikan University, Faculty of Science and Engineering
1-1-1 Noji-Higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, JAPAN
Phone: +81-77-561-5121
FAX: +81-77-561-2665
Email: Shugen.Ma(at)