Chamberlain: LGB circular

Camberlain issued the circular on March 18, 1886. '... large numbers of persons usually in regular employment will be reduced to the greatest straits, ... if the depression in trade continues,' it urged local authorities to provide relief work which would not involve the 'stigma of pauperism'. Work such as street-cleaning, laying out of streets and open places, paving, sewerage scheme, should be undertaken, using men engaged on the recommendation of the Guardians, and would thus not be disfranchised. ...

Here was a major innovation. The problem of unemployment was recognised, and the Poor Law set aside in dealing with it. The man who had hitherto avoided Poor Law assistance was to be kept free of it, be given public help but not to the impairment of his citizenship. The policy was alin to that of the COS in keeping respectable working man off the Poor Law, but did so by the use of public rather than charitable funds.

M 134-135.