Assitance of Children:

The numberof cases dealt with Peek's fund began to fall: most of the School Board visitors cared only to use it in so far as it enable them to increase the attendance at school with a minimum of trouble. When therefore they could induce the Committee to give boots and clothing with little or no enquiry they would send the cases; but when the Committees endeavoured to carry out the purpose of the fund, and use it to restore families to independence, the School Board visitors lost interest and ceased to refer cases [SW 273]. "...[the visitors] were not concerned with the poverty of the parents, ... they could better achieve their end of getting the children to school by making appeals in the press for cast-off clothing to distribute". Possibility of coming to an agreement between the School Bord and COS disappeared after 1882. "The Board, like its visitors, cared little abour restoring the families of the children to independence, and much about the increase of attendances through the immediate and easy supply of clothing".