Recommendation on Casual Labour:
  1. The Committee is of opinion that the system of irregular employment and the daily payment of unskilled workmen is largely responsible for the poverty and unthriftliness so commonly found in this class.
  2. The Committee believes that lasting improvement can be effected by the organisation of the demand for and supply of workmen, so as to increase the extent of the market for labour, and of the mobility of workmen within it.
  3. With this end in view, the Committee recommends that conferences should be arranged to consider, more especially in the case of the buikding trade and employment at the docks and wharves, the best form of such organisation.
  4. The Committee, recognising that employment cannot be rendered wholly regular over a series of years, or even for one year, emphasise the need for extended organisation of societies for mutual thrift on the principles of insurance for the purpose of enabling labour to meet industrial risks.
  5. The Committee would draw attention to the necessity for securing a large measure of industrial training to boys and girls during the years immediately after leaving the elementary schools, in occupations likely to lead to permanent employment in after life; and, also, for assisting and encouraging parents to make a wise choice in selecting the occupations of their children.
  6. With regard to the bearing od co-operation and profit-sharing on employment, we are unabke to satisfy ourselves that the use of these methods has a direct effect in increasing the regularity of employment, It may, however, in our opinion be fairy inferred that these methods have a valuable indirect effect in this direction, through the favourable influences thus exerted upon the character and condition of the workers.
SW 367