Serial Number 639


Kazuhito Kawashima: Reflection on the Representation of the Great Irish
  Famine and the Irish Exile in the 19th Century Munster by The Illustrated
  London News

Xiaojing Chen: An Etymological Study of the Katakana Loanword Kea and Kaigo:
  An Overview Based on the Asahi Shinbun (1880-2000)

Chieko Yoshimoto: A Sketch of the Birthplace of the Yaonian Clan of the Large
  Central Hulji Khitai: for the 10th Anniversary of Jin Qizong’s Death


Koji Inoue・Machibure-Kenkyukai: The Documents Concerning KIDO Tamezo
  and NISHIMURA Nihe-e ~Drug Dealer from Obama Who Participated in
  the Chichibu Incident~


Gilbert Highet (translated by Yoshihiko Murashima): PAIDEIA (Part-Ⅷ)
  ― The Ideals of Greek Culture ―


October 2014
Edited by
The Literary Association of Ritsumeikan University Kyoto, Japan