The Ritsumeikan Bungaku

Serial Number 674

Ryu Shimada:The Salvation of a Poet: Sei Ito and Chika Sagawa,
The Theory of Yuuki no Mura (Village of Ghosts)(1938)
Noboru Tani:The Imperial Court and Shogunate’s Response to the Hojo Masako Crisis
and Its Background: A Perspective from the Newly Discovered Fujiwara-no-Sadaie Jihitsu Meigetsuki Dan-Kan(Entries for July 1 to 3, 1225)
Shifu Huo:The Narrative Structure of Abe Kobo’Stick
Azumi Kawahara:The Work and Life of Iida Toyokazu / Nureki Chimuo:
On the Occasion of the Publication of a Newly Found Interview Manuscript
Shogo Mihara:Evolution of Sue Ware Grave Goods from the Perspective of Ware Type
Structure: Examples from the Maruyama River Basin
Masato Ikuta:A Comparative Study on Spatial Policies for Island Nations in Southeast
Asia: With Special Reference to Malaysia and Indonesia
Yasushi Inoue and Masaki Sakiyama: What is Money and What is Credit-Money based on
and born out of Money?
Atsushi Isobe:The Bordered Blue Banner and Its Banner Prince in the Shun-chih Period:
The Execution of Aiduri
Koji Inoue:Record of Shin-nyo-do—Diary of Genroku 4rd (AD1691)—
The Workshop on the Ming Cord, Mitsuyuki Inoue, Takayuki Inomata:
Translation and Annotation of Compilation of Topically Arranged Legal Code of the Imperial Ming Dynasty(皇明條法事類纂 Huangming Tiaofa Shileizuan), volume 48, Section regarding the Ministry of Justice(刑部類 Xingbu Lei), Condemnation Must Conform to the Code and the Commandment(斷罪引律令 Duanzui Yin Lüling), Part 3