The Ritsumeikan Bungaku

Serial Number 682

A Special Issue
in Honour of
on the Occasion of
His Retirement

Saki Asano : Reexamination of the Dethronement of the Empress and the Crown Prince
in the Third Year of the Hoki (宝亀) Era
Takumi Komai : The Relationship between Buddhist Control Measures of the
Kanmu (桓武) Dynasty and the Annotations of the Konkōmyō Saishō-ō-kyō
Naoto Yoshioka : Dazaifu and Saikaido in the Early Heian Period: From the Perspective
of the Agitation of the Dazaifu Organization and the Local Community
Ray Ayukawa : The Prefectural Betto of the Capital Provinces in the First Half
of the 9th Century
Kei Mikawa : Study on Cloistered Emperors: Background to the Establishment
of the Go-Daigo Regime
Noboru Tani : The Beginning of Emperor Go-Toba’s Direct Imperial Rule and Ken-pu
(imspect and seal) of the Nyoi Hoju (the wish-fulfilling jewel) by Kujo Kanezane
Tetsuya Tani : Tōjin in the Middle-Modern Transition―The Early Modernization
of East Asia from the Perspective of Culture and Technology
Azumi Kawahara : Numa Shozo, Kurata Takuji, and Amano Tetsuo:Unravelling the
Yapoo: the Human Cattle Commotion
Masaaki Kidachi : Reading Hisao SAWANO’s BANNEN NO ISHI