• 025
  • ”Micromachine” for drug development

College of Science and Engineering,Department of Mechanical Engineering Professor Satoshi Konishi

Micro Hand Advances Health Care in a Large Way.

Experiment with cellular aggregate is being noticed in a field of new medicines development.
Cellular structure is ultra-micro as hundreds of μm.
Because cells are so delicate that they are sometimes damaged
when moving from a culture plate to another.
The damage will cause an adverse effect on the growth of the cell later.
Then came what is called “Micromachine” that Konishi has developed.
Soft silicon rubber fingers thin as a film, are driven by pressure force.
This enabled to hold and carry cellar aggregate without damaging it.
Konishi further works on automation of the machine.
He has also succeeded to hold and move the targeted cellular aggregate with high accuracy.
It is said to raise a revolution and accelerate the new drug development.
It won't be long before the medicines to cure a fatal disease are developed.