Christian Ricky is a PhD student of Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan University, and it’s his first semester of second year studying at our program under Professor Yasuo Kadono's supervision.
He is going to give a presentation on the topic of "Beyond the Integration of Toyota Production System (TPS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)" in the Rice Ball Seminar to be held on Nobermber 27th from 12:20.
Date: Tuesday, 27th November, 2018
Time: 12:20-12:50
Venue: R-AGORA, 2nd Floor, Building B at OIC
Topic Title: Beyond the Integration of Toyota Production System (TPS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)"
Abstract of presentation:
The research presentation will discuss and introduce a topic regarding TPS philosophy and ERP system. ERP is a top-down approach which originated from the management view to the shop floor, and the TPS is a bottom-up approach which observed from the shop floor. Nevertheless, the discussion will describe the integration of both methods based on cases in Japan-Indonesia Automotive companies..
*Prior registration is NOT necessary.
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