Provides fundamental numerical algorithms including linear computations,
Fourier transform, ordinary differential equations, finite element
method, random numbers, digital filtering, and digital image processing.
Students will write programs on these topics to understand and to use
practically the algorithms.
(Dept. Mechanical Eng. / Robotics / Micro System Tech., B3)
1st | 4/ 9 | Introduction: Analytical solution, Numerical solution |
| 2nd | 4/16 | ODE: Canonical forms of ordinary differential equations, Euler/Heun/Runge-Kutta methods |
| 3rd | 4/23 | ODE: Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method, Holonomic constraints, Constraint stabilization method (CSM) |
| 4th | 4/30 | Linear equations: Gaussian elimination, LU decomposition, Triangular matrices, Cholesky decomposition |
| 5th | 5/ 7 | Projection: Minimum error solution, Projection matrix, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, QR decomposition |
| 6th | 5/21 | (1st quiz) ODE, Linear equations |
| 7th | 5/26 | Interpolation: Piecewise linear interpolation, Spline interpolation |
| 8th | 5/28 | Variational principles: Lagrangian, Lagrangian under constraints, Lagrange eqs. of motion |
| 9th | 6/ 4 | Variational principles: Open link mechanism, Closed link mechanism |
| 10th | 6/11 | Variational principles: Rigid body rotation, Quaternions |
| 11th | 6/18 | (2nd quiz) Projection, Interpolation, Variational principles |
| 12th | 6/25 | FEM: Shape functions, Stiffness matrix, Static deformation of beam |
| 13th | 7/ 2 | FEM: Inertia matrix, Dynamic deformation of beam |
| 14th | 7/ 9 | Fourier Transform: Discrete fourier transform(DFT), Fast fourier transform (FFT) |
| 15th | 7/16 | Fourier Transform: Matched filter, Phase-only correlation method |
| 16th | 7/30 | (examination) |