Foliated spaces, tilings and group actions

This conference aims to share new ideas on foliated spaces, tilings, group actions and their interrelations. This conference is supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 20K03620.

Date and Place



Friday 16th April

9:00-9:40 Yasushi Nagai
Arithmetic progressions, limit-periodicity and pure discrete dynamical spectra for self-similar tilings
9:50-10:30 Ramón Barral Lijó
Sensitivity to initial conditions for foliated spaces
10:50-11:30 Alex Clark
Foliated spaces: beyond Euclidean local models
11:40-12:20 John Parker
Cut-and-project tilings and arithmetic groups
12:30-13:30 Lunch/Banquet

Saturday 17th April

9:00-9:40 James Walton
Linear repetitivity for polytopal cut and project sets
9:50-10:30 Olga Lukina
The prime spectrum for nilpotent group actions
10:50-11:30 John Hunton
Space Groups and more
11:40-12:20 Jesús Antonio Álvarez López
Some problems on foliated spaces
12:30-13:30 Lunch/Banquet


If you have any question, please contact Hiraku Nozawa hnozawa(at) (replace (at) with @).