Professor Dr. Susumu SUGIYAMA
Professor, Ritsumeikan-Global Innovation Research
Organization, Ritsumeikan University;
1-1-1, Noji-higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, 525-8577, Japan
Fellow of the Inst. of Electrical Engineers of Japan
(IEEJ), Representative Director of Support Organization for Research on Industrial
Science and Technology (SORIST)
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<Academic Career>
Born in Nagoya, Japan in 1946. Prof. Sugiyama received the
B. S. degree in electrical engineering from Meijo University,
Nagoya, Japan, in 1970, and the Dr. Eng. degree from Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1994.
<Professional Career>
From 1965 to 1995, he was with Toyota Central Research
& Development Laboratories, Inc., where he worked on
semiconductor strain gauges, silicon pressure sensors, integrated
sensors, IC process, power devices and silicon micromachined
devices. While there, he was a Senior Researcher in 1991, Manager
of the Silicon Devices Laboratory in 1992, and Manager of the
Device Development Laboratory in 1993.
Since 1995 he has been with Ritsumeikan
University, Shiga, Japan, where he recently serves as a
Professor in Ritsumeikan-Global Innovation Research
Organization(2008- up to now), after serving at the Center for
Promotion of the COE Program(FY2007) and the Faculty of
Science and Engineering(1995-2006): Dept. of Micro System Technology(2004-2006),
Dept.of Robotics(1996-2003) and Dept. of Mechanical
During the above period in Ritsumeikan Univ., his serving
careers are as follows:
1995-2012 | Editor-in Chief of the Journal "Sensors and Materials" (ISSN 0914-4935) |
1998-2002 | Vice Director of Synchrotron Radiation Center, Ritsumeikan Univ. |
2002-2006 | Project Leader of 21st Century COE(Center of Excellence) Program , Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT-Japan) |
2008-2010 | President of the Sensors and Micromachines Society of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) |
2000-2010 | Director of Research Institute for Micro System Technology, Ritsumeikan Univ. |
2007-2011 | Executive (2007-2011)/Director Executive (2009-2011) of the Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging (JIEP) |
2005-2012 | Guest Professor, Research Center for Micro/Nano System Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., China |
2007-2010 | Visiting Professor, Institute for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Waseda Univ., Japan |
2009-2011 | JICA Expert/Dispatch Researcher of Science and Technology, JSPS, Sri Lanka |
2010-2011 | Chief Research Scientist, BEANS Research Association (NEDO) |
2011-2013 | Executive Principal Research Scientist of NMEMS Technology Research Organization (NEDO) |
2013-Up to Now | Representative Director of Support Organization for Research on Industrial Science and Technology (SORIST) |
<Current Interests>
MEMS, Micro/Nano Fabrication Technology, Micro Sensor Technology,
Synchrotron Radiation Lithography Technology
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), The
Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ), Japan Society
of Applied Physics (JSAP), The Robotics Society of Japan, The
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) and Japan Institute
of Electronics Packaging (JIEP).
<Awards and Honors>
1992 Nov | Science Books Culture Prize for an Excellent Work, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun News Paper Ltd. |
1993 Sep | R&D 100 Award, Selected by R&D Magazine as One of the 100 Most Technologically Significant New Products of the Year |
2000 May | The Excellent Technical Activity Special Prize, The Inst. of Electrical Engineers of Japan |
2002 Oct | The Best Paper Award in 2002, IEEE, Int'l Symposium on Micromechatronics and Human Science (MHS) |
2003 May | The Best Teacher Award, Ritsumeikan University |
2003 Oct | The Best Paper Award in 2003, IEEE, Int'l Symposium on Micromechatronics and Human Science (MHS) |
2004 Apr | The Research Distinguished-service Person Prize, Japan Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology |
2007 Oct | The Best Poster Award in 2006, IEEJ, The 24th Symposium on Sensors, Micromachine and Applied Systems |
2008 Nov | The Best Paper Award in 2008, IEEE, Int'l Symposium on Micromechatronics and Human Science (MHS) |
2009 Nov | The Excellent Poster Award in "Tokyo Conference 2009", The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry |
2011 May | Awarded the Title of "Fellow" from The Inst. of Electrical Engineers of Japan |
2012 May | The Honorable Achievement Award, The Inst. of Electrical Engineers of Japan |