2003年度 杉山・田中研究室 論文・学会発表
Apr. 2003 - Mar. 2004
(last modified : Nov. 25, 2011)
No. | 発表形態 | 著者/発表者 | 著書・論文名等 | 出版社/掲載誌/学会名等 |
1 | 著書 (部分執筆) |
杉山 進 | ナノテクノロジーハンドブックT編 創る(第1分冊)、ナノテクノロジーハンドブック編集委員会編、5章ナノ構造の製作技術、5・3 LIGAプロセス | オーム社、pp.197-203 (2003.5) |
1 | 論文 (紀要) |
N. Miyano, H. Iwasa, K. Isonishi, K. Ameyama and S. Sugiyama | Fabrication of Nano-Grained TiC/Ti5Si3 Micro-Molds by the LIGA-MA Process | Memoirs of the SR Center, Ritsumeikan University, No. 5, April 2003, pp.9-16 (2003.4) |
2 | 論文 (紀要) |
Hideki Tosa, Shinji Furuta, Toshiyuki Kouzaki, Chisato Yoshimura, Hikoharu Aoki, Norihiko Samoto and Susumu Sugiyama | Polymer Microneedle Array for Medical Application Using Synchrotron Radiation Lithography | Memoirs of the SR Center, Ritsumeikan University, No. 5, April 2003, pp.99-101 (2003.4) |
3 | 論文 | Dzung Viet Dao, Toshiyuki Toriyama, John Wells and Susumu Sugiyama | Silicon Piezoresistive Six-Degree of Freedom Force-Moment Micro Sensor | Sensors and Materials, MYU, Tokyo, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp.113-135 (2003.5) |
4 | 論文 | 宮野公樹、多賀谷和範、川瀬和典、飴山惠、杉山進 | MA-SPS粉末焼結法のLIGAプロセスへの応用 | 材料、日本材料学会、第52巻、第7号、pp.783-788 (2003.7) |
5 | 論文 ▲Top |
宮野公樹、杉山進、飴山惠 | 放電プラズマ焼結法を利用した金属間化合物系材料の製造 | 材料の科学と工学(日本材料科学会誌)、日本材料科学会、第40巻 第4号、pp.24-28 (2003.8) |
6 | 論文 | Susumu Sugiyama and Toshiyuki Toriyama | Design of a Micro Reciprocating Engine for Power Generation | 電気学会論文誌E、IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, Vol.123, No.9, 2003, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, pp.351-356 (2003.9) |
7 | 論文 | T. Toriyama and S. Sugiyama | Single Crystal Silicon Piezoresistive Nano-Wire Bridge | Sensors and Actuators A Physical, Vol.108 (2003), Elsevier, pp.244-249 (2003) |
8 | 論文 | Naoki Miyano, Kazunori Tagaya, Kazunori Kawase, Kei Ameyama and Susumu Sugiyama | Fabrication of Alloy and Ceramic Microstructures by LIGA-MA-SPS Process | Sensors and Actuators A Physical, Vol.108 (2003), Elsevier, pp.250-257 (2003) |
9 | 論文 | N. Miyano, H. Iwasa, K. Isonishi, S. Tanaka, S. Sugiyama and K. Ameyama | Application of Pseud-superplasticity to Produce TiN/Ti5Si3 and TiC/Ti5Si3 Nano Grain Composites for Micro Molding | Materials Science Forum, Vols.447-448, pp.311-316 (2004) |
10 | 論文 ▲Top |
S. Khumpuang, R. Maeda and S. Sugiyama | Microneedle Array and Insertion Guide Array for Safe Use of Biomedical Applications | Proceedings of SPIE: BioMEMS and Nanotechnology, 10-12 Dec. 2003, Perth, Australia, SPIE-The Int'l Soc. for Optical Engineering, Vol.5275, pp.231-238 (2004) |
1 | 国際学会発表 | N. Miyano, H. Iwasa, K. Isonishi, K. Ameyama and S. Sugiyama | Fabrication of Nano-Grained TiC/Ti5Si3 Micro-Molds by the LIGA-MA Process | (IPMM-2003) The 4th Int'l Conference on Intelligent Processing and Manufacturing of Materials, May 18-23, 2003, Sendai, Japan (2003.5) |
2 | 国際学会発表 | Toshiyuki Toriyama and Susumu Sugiyama | Piezoresistance Analysis of n-type 6H-SiC for High-Temperature Mechanical Sensors | (Transducers'03)The 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Boston, June 8-12, 2003, IEEE (2003.6) |
3 | 国際学会発表 | Dzung Viet Dao, Toshiyuki Toriyama, John Wells and Susumu Sugiyama | A MEMS-Based Microsensor to Measure All Six Components of Force and Moment on a Near-Wall Particle in Turbulent Flow | (Transducers'03)The 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Boston, June 8-12, 2003, IEEE (2003.6) |
4 | 国際学会発表 | Y. Isono, J. Tada, T. Watanabe, T. Unno, S Sugiyama and T. Toriyama | Elevated Temperature Tensile/Creep Test of UV-LIGA Nickel Thin Fillm for Design of High-Density Micro Cennector | (Transducers'03)The 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Boston, June 8-12, 2003, IEEE (2003.6) |
5 | 国際学会発表 ▲Top |
Toshiyuki Toriyama, Kenji Hashimoto and Susumu Sugiyama | Design and Fabrication of a Resonant Micro Reciprocating Engine for Power Generation | (Transducers'03)The 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Boston, June 8-12, 2003, IEEE (2003.6) |
6 | 国際学会発表 | Naoki Miyano, Hiroshi Iwasa, Michito Matsumoto, Kei Ameyama and Susumu Sugiyama | Application of LIGA-MA Process to Metal/Ceramics Nano-Composite Microstructure | (HARMST 2003) High Aspect Ratio Micro-Structure Technology Workshop, Jun. 15-17, 2003, California, USA (2003.6) |
7 | 国際学会発表 | Naoki Miyano, Hiroshi Iwasa, Michito Matsumoto, Kei Ameyama and Susumu Sugiyama | Application of LIGA-MA Process to Metal/Ceramics Nano-Composite Microstructure | MRS-J, Yokohama, October (2003.10) |
8 | 国際学会発表 | S.Khumpuang, R.Maeda and S.Sugiyama | Design and Fabrication of a Coupled Microneedle Array and Insertion Guide Array for Safe Penetration through Skin | IEEE (MHS2003) Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Nagoya, Oct.19-22, 2003, pp.233-237 (2003.10) |
9 | 国際学会発表 | <Best
Paper Award in 2003 Int'l Symposium on MHS> S.Hasebe, J.Ogawa, T.Toriyama, S.Sugiyama, H.Ueno and K.Itoigawa |
<IEEE-MHS2003最優秀論文賞受賞> Design and Fabrication of Flexible Thermopile for Power Generation |
IEEE (MHS2003) Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Nagoya, Oct.19-22, 2003, pp.287-291 (2003.10) |
10 | 国際学会発表 | K.Hashimoto, J.Ogawa, T.Toriyama and S.Sugiyama | Design and Fabrication of a Resonant Micro Reciprocating Engine for Power Generation | IEEE (MHS2003) Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Nagoya, Oct.19-22, 2003, pp.293-297 (2003.10) |
11 | 国際学会発表 ▲Top |
Susumu Sugiyama | MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) - From Research to Commercialization - | (ISC2003)Proceedings of Sensors Conference 2003, International Sensor Conference 2003, Nov.14-15, 2003, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, The Korean Sensors Society, Vol.14, No.1, pp.15-16 (2003.11) |
12 | 国際学会発表 | T. Toriyama, K. Hashimoto, J. Ogawa and S. Sugiyama | Micro Reciprocating Engine Based on SOI Structure | (PowerMEMS 2003) 3rd International Workshop on Micro and Nano Technology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, Dec.4-5, 2003, Makuhari, Global Emerging Technology Institute(GETI) and Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2003.12) |
13 | 国際学会発表 | S. Khumpuang, R. Maeda and S. Sugiyama | Microneedle Array and Insertion Guide Array for Safe Use of Biomedical Applications | SPIE Int'l Symposium on Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology 2003, Dec. 10-12, 2003, Perth, Australia (2003.12) |
14 | 国際学会発表 (Poster) |
S.Hasebe, J.Ogawa, M.Shiozaki, T.Toriyama, S.Sugiyama, H.Ueno and K.Itoigawa | Polymer Based Smart Flexible Thermopile for Power Generation | (MEMS 2004) Technical Digest, 17th IEEE Int'l Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Jan.25-29, 2004, Maastricht, The Netherlands, pp.689-692 (2004.1) |
15 | 国際学会発表 | Dzung Viet Dao, Machiko Koshigoe, Van Thanh Dau, Toshiyuki Toriyama and Susumu Sugiyama | Sensitivity Analysis for an Ultra Small Accelerometer Using Nanowire Piezoresistor | IEEE NDSI 2004, Conference digests of the IEEE International Conference on Nanoscale Devices and System Integration, Miami, Florida, Feb. 15-19, 2004, p.166 (2004.2) |
16 | 国際学会発表 ▲Top |
S.Khumpuang, G.Kawaguchi and S.Sugiyama | Quadruplets-microneedle Array for Blood Extraction | NSTI (Nanotech 2004) Proceeding of the 2004 Nanotechnology Int'l Conference and Trade Show, Boston, U.S.A., Mar.7-10, 2004, Nano Science and Technololgy Institute (2004.3) |
1 | 国内学会発表 | A.T. Nguyen, D.V. Dao, V.T. Dau, M. Takahashi, T. Toriyama, J.C. Wells and S. Sugiyama | Measurement of Loads Acting on a Near-Wall Particle in Turbulent Water Flow by Using a 6-DOF MEMS-Based Sensor | Proceedings of the 20th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, July 23-24, 2003, Tokyo, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, pp.139-144 (2003.7) |
2 | 国内学会発表 | K. Nagai, R. Fujimoto, S. Miyawaki, N. Oshie, S. Toda and S. Sugiyama | Consideration on the Properties of a Small Position Sensor with Low Temperature Drift | Proceedings of the 20th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, July 23-24, 2003, Tokyo, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, pp.205-208 (2003.7) |
3 | 国内学会発表 | Y. Yamada, Y. Kinoshita, D.V. Dzung, T. Toriyama, S. Sugiyama and M. Harada | Design of a Three Axis Force Sensor Based on SOI-MICS | Proceedings of the 20th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, July 23-24, 2003, Tokyo, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, pp.253-258 (2003.7) |
4 | 国内学会発表 | Naoki Miyano, Hiroshi Iwasa, Kei Ameyama and Susumu Sugiyama | Micro-Structures of TiC/Ti5Si3 Composite Fabricated by LIGA-MA Process | Proceedings of the 20th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, July 23-24, 2003, Tokyo, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, pp.387-390 (2003.7) |
5 | 国内学会発表 ▲Top |
J.Ogawa, S.Hasebe, T.Toriyama, S.Sugiyama, H.Ueno and K.Itoigawa | Fabrication of Flexible Thermopile for Power Generation | Proceedings of the 20th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, July 23-24, 2003, Tokyo, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, pp.347-351 (2003.7) |
6 | 国内学会発表 | G.Kawaguchi, N.Samoto, H.Tosa and S.Sugiyama | Investigation of X-ray Mask Patterns for Fabrication of Micro Needle Array Using SR Lithography | Proceedings of the 20th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, July 23-24, 2003, Tokyo, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, pp.397-400 (2003.7) |
7 | 国内学会発表 | 杉山 進 | MEMSが拓くメカトロニクスの将来 | 第8回知能メカトロニクスワークショップ講演論文集、滋賀、精密工学会、pp.1-6 (2003.8) |
8 | 国内学会発表 | G.Kawaguchi, S.Khumpuang and S.Sugiyama | Optimization of Actual Microneedle Tip-Size Resulted from Tilt-Angle and Designed Patterns of X-ray Mask | 第8回知能メカトロニクスワークショップ講演論文集、滋賀、精密工学会、pp.57-61 (2003.8) |
9 | 国内学会発表 | A.T. Nguyen, D.V. Dao, T. Toriyama, J.C. Wells and S. Sugiyama | Measurement of Loads Acting on a Near-Wall Particle in Turbulent Water Flow by Using a 6-DOF MEMS-Based Sensor | 第8回知能メカトロニクスワークショップ講演論文集、滋賀、精密工学会、pp.67-72 (2003.8) |
10 | 国内学会発表 | 宮野公樹、杉山 進 | Fabrication and Application of 3D Micro/Nano Structures by SR Lithography | 第17回日本エム・イー学会秋季大会、10月20-22日、けいはんなプラザ(けいはんな学研都市)(2003.10) |
11 | 国内学会発表 ▲Top |
海野敏典、鳥山寿之、磯野吉正、杉山 進 | 高密度実装用マイクロコネクタの特性評価 | 第18回エレクトロニクス実装学術講演大会講演論文集、東京工業大学、平成16年3月、(社)エレクトロニクス実装学会、pp.193-194 (2004.3) |
1 | その他 (講演) | 杉山 進 | LIGAプロセスの産業への応用事例 | 平成15年度第3回ナノテク研究会、(社)滋賀工業会、pp.1-12 (2003.7) |
2 | その他 (執筆) | 杉山 進 | 放射光リソグラフィーによる3次元マイクロ・ナノ構造の製作 | 化学工業、化学工業社、第54巻 第11号、pp.51-55 (2003.11) |
3 | その他 (講演) | 杉山 進 | LIGAによる3次元超微細構造体の加工 | 第47回放射光産業利用技術懇談会 放射光国際シンポジウム−21世紀の放射光源とその利用−、放射光産業利用技術懇談会主催 (2003.11) |
4 | その他 (解説) | 杉山 進 | LIGAプロセスによる3次元微細加工 | 塑性と加工−マイクロ・ナノ加工小特集号−(日本塑性加工学会誌)、第44巻 第514号、pp.9-12 (2003.11) |
5 | その他 (講演) | 杉山 進 | 放射光によるナノ/マイクロマシンの作製 | 応用物理学会結晶工学分科会年末講演会テキスト、pp.33-37 (2003.12) |
6 | その他 (執筆) ▲Top |
杉山 進 | 放射光による微細加工 | 高分子、特集:放射光と高分子、(社)高分子学会、53巻 2月号、pp.70-73 (2004.2) |