2005年度 杉山・田中研究室 論文・学会発表
Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2006
(last modified : Apr. 1, 2006)
No. | 発表形態 | 著者/発表者 | 著書・論文名等 | 出版社/掲載誌/学会名等 |
1 | 紀要 論文 |
Yigui Li and Susumu Sugiyama | Fabrication of Micro Structures on Curve Surface by X-ray Lithography | Memoirs of the SR Center, Ritsumeikan University, No. 7, April 2005, pp.19-23 (2005.4). |
2 | 紀要 論文 |
S.Khumpuang, M.Horade, K.Fujioka and S.Sugiyama | Through-Hole Microneedle Fabricated by Alignment X-ray Lithography | Memoirs of the SR Center, Ritsumeikan University, No. 7, April 2005, pp.25-30 (2005.4). |
3 | 論文 | Yigui Li, Jinquan Liu and Susumu Sugiyama | The Fabrication and Test of a Square Prism Shaped Dye Micro Laser Based on the SU-8 Molding Process | Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, UK, Vol.15, pp.1571-1575 (2005.6). |
4 | 論文 | Ranjith Amarasinghe, Dzung Viet Dao, Toshiyuki Toriyama and Susumu Sugiyama | Design and Fabrication of a Miniaturized Six-Degree-of-Freedom Piezoresistive Accelerometer | Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, UK, Vol.15, pp.1745-1753 (2005.7). |
5 | 論文 | Koichi Itoigawa, Hiroshi Ueno, Masayoshi Shiozaki, Toshiyuki Toriyama and Susumu Sugiyama | Fabrication of Flexible Thermopile Generator | Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, UK, Vol.15, pp.S233-S238 (2005.8). |
6 | 論文 ▲Top |
Van Thanh Dau, Dzung Viet Dao, Tatsuo Shiozawa, Hideo Kumagai and Susumu Sugiyama | A Single-Axis Thermal Convective Gas Gyroscope | Sensors and Materials, MYU, Tokyo, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp.453-463 (2005). |
1 | 国際学会発表 Ppster |
Yigui Li and Susumu Sugiyama | Fabrication of Large Area Micro Grating by Copper Mesh as X-ray Lithography Mask | (HARMST 2005) Book of Abstracts, High Aspect Ratio Micro Structure Technology Workshop, Gyeongju, Korea, June 10-13, 2005, pp.86-87 (2005.6). |
2 | 国際学会発表 Poster |
Yigui Li and Susumu Sugiyama | Fabrication of Large Area Diffraction Grating on Cylindrical Surface by Copper Mesh as X-ray Lithography Mask | (HARMST 2005) Book of Abstracts, High Aspect Ratio Micro Structure Technology Workshop, Gyeongju, Korea, June 10-13, 2005, pp.102-103 (2005.6). |
3 | 国際学会発表 Poster |
Fumiki Kato, Susumu Sugiyama, Yigui Li, Takashi Endo, Shinya Fujinawa and Teppei Morita | Fabrication of High Aspect Ratio Nano Gratings by SR Lithography | (HARMST 2005) Book of Abstracts, High Aspect Ratio Micro Structure Technology Workshop, Gyeongju, Korea, June 10-13, 2005, pp.142-143 (2005.6). |
4 | 国際学会発表 Poster |
Mitsuhiro Horade, Sommawan Khumpuang, Kazuya Fujioka and Susumu Sugiyama | Compensation of Mask Design for Sloped Side-Wall Structures Fabricated by X-Ray Lithography | (HARMST 2005) Book of Abstracts, High Aspect Ratio Micro Structure Technology Workshop, Gyeongju, Korea, June 10-13, 2005, pp.40-49 (2005.6). |
5 | 国際学会発表 Poster |
Naoki Miyano, Yusuke Kumagai, Masayoshi Yoshimoto, Kei Ameyama and Susumu Sugiyama | Fabrication of Micro-Parts Made of TiC/Ti5Si3 Nano-Grained Composite Using LIGA Product by Pseudo-Superplastic Deformation | (HARMST 2005) Book of Abstracts, High Aspect Ratio Micro Structure Technology Workshop, Gyeongju, Korea, June 10-13, 2005, pp.163-164 (2005.6). |
6 | 国際学会発表 ▲Top |
Sommawan Khumpuang, Mitsuhiro Horade, Kazuya Fujioka and Susumu Sugiyama | Geometrically Strengthening and Tip-Sharpening of Microneedle Array Fabricated by X-Ray Lithography | (HARMST 2005) Book of Abstracts, High Aspect Ratio Micro Structure Technology Workshop, Gyeongju, Korea, June 10-13, 2005, pp.2-3 (2005.6). |
7 | 国際学会発表 | Yigui Li and Susumu Sugiyama | Fabrication and Test of Square Prism Shaped Dye Micro Laser Based on Photoresist Molding Process | (IEEE/LEOS 2005) International Conference on Optical MEMS and Their Applications, Aug. 1-4, 2005, Oulu, Finland, Lasers & Electro-Optics Society, pp.103-104 (2005.8). |
8 | 国際学会発表 Invited |
Susumu Sugiyama | New Progress of Integration and Fusion in MEMS | (NANO 2005) Proceedings, Nanoengineering Symposium 2005, Oct. 26-28, 2005, Daejoen, Korea, Korean Soc. of Precision Engrg/Korea Inst. of Machinery & Materials, pp.88-91 (2005.10). |
9 | 国際学会発表 | Phuc Hong Pham, Dzung Viet Dao, Satoshi Amaya, Ryoji Kitada, Li Shipeng and Susumu Sugiyama | A Si Micro Conveyer System Based on Electrostatic Comb-Drive Actuators | (MHS 2005/Micro-Nano COE) IEEE Proceedings of the 2005 Int'l Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science/The 8th Symposium "Micro- and Nano-Mechatronics for Information-based Society", The 21st Century COE Program, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Nov.7-9, 2005, pp.149-153 (2005.11). |
10 | 国際学会発表 | Dzung Viet Dao, Van Thanh Dau, Tatsuo Shiozawa, Hideo Kumagai and Susumu Sugiyama | Optimizatin and Characterizations of the Dual Axis Gas Gyroscope | (MHS 2005/Micro-Nano COE) IEEE Proceedings of the 2005 Int'l Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science/The 8th Symposium "Micro- and Nano-Mechatronics for Information-based Society", The 21st Century COE Program, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Nov.7-9, 2005, pp.181-185 (2005.11). |
11 | 国際学会発表 Invited ▲Top |
S.Sugiyama | New Progress of Integration and Fusion in MEMS | (IDW/AD'05) Proceedings, The 12th Int'l Display Workshops in Conjunction with Asia Display 2005, Dec.6-9, 2005, Takamatsu, Japan, ITE(The Inst. of Image Information and Television Engineers)/SID(The Soc. For Information Display), (USB Flash Memory) (2005.12). |
12 | 国際学会発表 | K.Fujioka, S.Khumpuang, M.Horade, and S.Sugiyama | Novel Pressure-Gradient Driven Component for Blood Extraction | (SPIE) SPIE Int'l Symposium, Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology, 11-15 Dec. 2005, Brisbane, Australia, The Int'l Soc. for Optical Engrg. (2005.12). |
13 | 国際学会発表 | S.Khumpuang, M.Horade, K.Fujioka and S.Sugiyama | Portable Blood Extraction Device Integrated with Biomedical Monitoring System | (SPIE) SPIE Int'l Symposium, Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology, 11-15 Dec. 2005, Brisbane, Australia, The Int'l Soc. for Optical Engrg. (2005.12). |
14 | 国際学会発表 | D.V.Dao, V.T.Dau, T.Shiozawa, H.Kumagai and S.Sugiyama | Development of Micromotion Sensors Based on Piezoresistive and Thermo-Resistive Effects in Silicon | (SPIE) SPIE Int'l Symposium, Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology, 11-15 Dec. 2005, Brisbane, Australia, The Int'l Soc. for Optical Engrg. (2005.12). |
15 | 国際学会発表 Poster |
M.Shiozaki, S.Sugiyama, N.Watanabe, H.Ueno and K.Itoigawa | Flexible Bi2Te2.5Se0.5 and Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Thermopile Generator | (SPIE) SPIE Int'l Symposium, Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology, 11-15 Dec. 2005, Brisbane, Australia, The Int'l Soc. for Optical Engrg. (2005.12). |
16 | 国際学会発表 Poster ▲Top |
S.Fujinawa, F.Kato and S.Sugiyama | Development of Fabrication Process for Shape Control of Three-Dimensional Submicron Structure by Synchrotron Radiaton Lithography | (SPIE) SPIE Int'l Symposium, Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology, 11-15 Dec. 2005, Brisbane, Australia, The Int'l Soc. for Optical Engrg. (2005.12). |
17 | 国際学会発表 Poster |
M.Horade, S.Khumpuang, K.Fujioka and S.Sugiyama | Advanced Simulation for Shape-Prediction of Microstructures Fabricated by PCT Technique | (SPIE) SPIE Int'l Symposium, Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology, 11-15 Dec. 2005, Brisbane, Australia, The Int'l Soc. for Optical Engrg. (2005.12). |
18 | 国際学会発表 Poster |
F.Kato, S.Fujinawa and S.Sugiyama | Fabrication of Submicron Three-Dimensional Structure by Plane-Pattern to the Cross-Section Transfer Method Using Synchrotron Radiation Lithography | (SPIE) SPIE Int'l Symposium, Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology, 11-15 Dec. 2005, Brisbane, Australia, The Int'l Soc. for Optical Engrg. (2005.12). |
19 | 国際学会発表 Poster |
Dzung Viet Dao, Van Thanh Dau, Tatsuo Shiozawa, Hideo Kumagai and Susumu Sugiyama | A Dual Axis Gas Gyroscope Based on Convective and Thermo-Resistive Effects in Silicon with Low Thermal-Induced Stress Sensing Element | (MEMS2006) Technical Digest, 19th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, 22-26 Jan. 2006, pp.594-597 (2006.1). |
20 | 国際学会発表 Poster |
M.Shiozaki, S.Sugiyama, N.Watanabe, H.Ueno and K.Itoigawa | Flexible Thin-Film BiTe Thermopile for Room Temperature Power Generation | (MEMS2006) Technical Digest, 19th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, 22-26 Jan. 2006, pp.946-949 (2006.1). |
21 | 国際学会発表 Invited(Keynote) ▲Top |
Susumu Sugiyama | Plane-pattern to Cross-section Transfer (PCT) Using Deep X-ray Lithography for Fabrication of 3-D Micro/Nanostructures | (ISMNT-2) Proceedings of The 2nd Int'l Symposiym on Micro & Nano Technology, Mar.29-31, 2006, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp.39-42 (2006.3). |
1 | 国内学会発表 | S.Khumpuang, M.Horade, K.Fujioka and S.Sugiyama | Geometrical Optimization of LIGA Microneedles for Blood Extraction | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.25-28 (2005.10). |
2 | 国内学会発表 | Ling-Han Li, Takeshi Hashishin, Yigui Li and Susumu Sugiyama | Fabrication of Self-Organization Alumina X-ray Lithography Mask for Sub-wavelength Nanometer Grating | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.303-306 (2005.10). |
3 | 国内学会発表 | S.Tamaoki, S.Sugiyama, T.Sakamoto and A.Murakami | Transcriptome Analyzing Chip Based on Liquid-Phase Detection Using Fluorescence Labeled Nucleic Acid Probe | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.270-273 (2005.10). |
4 | 国内学会発表 | T.Konishi, M.Ide, K.Tanaka and S.Sugiyama | Fabrication of Diaphragm Actuator Using Bulk PZT | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.7-10 (2005.10). |
5 | 国内学会発表 ▲Top |
Fuminori Tanaka, Shigeo Maeda, Kenji Nagashima, Yoshiki Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko Tanaka, Akira Ishii and Susumu Sugiyama | Mirror Deformation by Piezoelectric Actuators | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.183-186 (2005.10). |
6 | 国内学会発表 | Phuc Hong Pham, Dzung Viet Dao, Satoshi Amaya, Ryoji Kitada, Li YiGui and Susumu Sugiyama | Design and Fabrication of Polymer Electrostatic Comb-Drive Actuators and Application in Micro Conveyer Systems | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.199-202 (2005.10). |
7 | 国内学会発表 | Y.Sei, D.V.Dzung, T.Saiki and S.Sugiyama | Design of Micro Force-Moment Sensors and Application to Soft Fingertip Sensor | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.237-240 (2005.10). |
8 | 国内学会発表 | Yuhei Abe, Takaya Miyano and Susumu Sugiyama | Application of Collective Synchronization to Sensor Data Processing | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.257-260 (2005.10). |
9 | 国内学会発表 | F.Kato, S.Fujinawa and S.Sugiyama | Fabrication of Submicron 3D-Structure by Plane-patern to the Cross-section Transfer (PCT) Technique Using Synchrotron Radiation Lithography | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.293-296 (2005.10). |
10 | 国内学会発表 |
Akira Okamura, Dzung Viet Dao, Toshiyuki Toriyama and Susumu Sugiyama | Fabrication of an Ultra Small Accelerometer Utilizing Si Nanowire Piezoresistors | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.203-206 (2005.10). |
11 | 国内学会発表 | M.Horade, S.Khumpuang, K.Fujioka, Y.Li and S.Sugiyama | A Useful Study for Development of 3-D Microfabrication Method by SR Lithography | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.520-523 (2005.10). |
12 | 国内学会発表 ▲Top |
Masahiro Hayashida, Van Thanh Dau, Dzung Viet Dao, Dinh Thien Xuan and Susumu Sugiyama | Dual Axis Accelorometer Utilizing Low Doped Silicon Thermistor | Proceedings of The 22nd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines, and Applied Systems, Oct.20-21, 2005, Tokyo, IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society, pp.363-366 (2005.10). |
1 | その他 (紀要) | M. Horade, S. Khumpuang and S. Sugiyama | Shape-Compensation of 3-D Structure Fabrication by X-ray Lithography | (Short Notes) Memoirs of the SR Center, Ritsumeikan University, No. 7, April 2005 (2005.4). |
2 | その他 (紀要) | Yigui Li and Susumu Sugiyama | Dye Doped PMMA Microcavity Resonator Based on X-ray Lithography | (Short Notes) Memoirs of the SR Center, Ritsumeikan University, No. 7, April 2005 (2005.4). |
3 | その他 (講演) | 杉山 進 | 新産業創出のキーとなるMEMSテクノロジー | MMCファンドリーサービス産業委員会 第5回MEMS講習会、東京、(財)マイクロマシンセンターファンドリーサービス産業委員会 (2005.7). |
4 | その他 (講演) ▲Top |
杉山 進 | 新産業創出のキーとなるMEMSテクノロジー | MMCファンドリーサービス産業委員会 第6回MEMS講習会、京都、(財)マイクロマシンセンターファンドリーサービス産業委員会 (2006.1). |