
ホーム > 派遣者報告 >2011年度派遣実績



前崎 信也立命館グローバル・イノベーション研究機構 PD
  • ロンドン大学を拠点に大学図書館、国立美術博物館などで明治期における日本陶磁器関連の資料収集。
  • スコットランド国立博物館、ハンブルグ美術館、ドレスデン国立博物館所蔵の日本陶磁器調査撮影。イギリス国内の個人コレクションを含め約1000点を撮影した。
  • スウェーデンの国立東洋美術館所蔵日本陶磁器調査。
  • エストニアでの欧州日本学会において、日本の竹工芸について技術の点を中心に述べた。

  •  ロンドン大学SOASを拠点としていたが、そこでは日本美術分野の院生とそれぞれの国における研究状況に関する意見交換や、博士論文執筆における注意点などの指導を行った。スコットランド国立博物館、ドレスデン国立博物館では派遣者が撮影をした所蔵品画像を館のホームページで公開されているイメージデータベースで使用したいとの依頼を受けたため快諾した。

    Adiyoso Wignyo政策科学研究科 D1
  • Discussing the design of research topic with advisors
  • Pre-survey to flood disaster in Ayutthaya city
  • Interviewing students (Questionnaire) in 3 Schools in Pha Nga province and Phuket province and conducting in-depth interview with teachers, parents and local gobernment officers
  • Interviewing community members in 6 villages in Ayutthaya city and conducting in-depth interview with local government officers (Ayutthaya City and Provincial Government)
  • Presentation in the ITP Workshop and Urban Gaming Simulation

  • ・2 sets of different data obtained from questionnaires and in-depth interview (flood and tsunami)
    ・Acceptance of abstract in the international conference about flood held on October 8-10, 2011 in Kyoto Unibersity (Paper presentation)
    ・Acceptance of abstract in the international workshop about tsunami held on November 22-24, 2011 in Banda Aceh, Indonesia (Paper presentation)

    Bincsik Monica文学研究科D3/衣笠総合研究機構 RA
    派遣概要While conducting research in the UK, I was studying and photographing Japanese lacquer collections, working mainly in the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London furthermore in the National Museum of Scotland and the Victoria and Albert Museum. That was a precious opportunity to study in detail the lacquer holdings of major Museums. I have digital archived more than 350 objects. I also was conducting research in University and Museum libraries as well as in archives on the collecting history and reception of Japanese lacquer in England. At the end of my staying I introduced my project and its outcomes in a presentation at the Asian Art Department of the Victoria and Albert Museum. In addition, I visited several public and private collections with Japanese lacquer holdings. This time I was focusing on seventeenth- and eighteenth-century maki-e art works. The digital images, more than 4,000 shots, will be included in the “Japanese lacquers in Western collections” database I’m working on. The images also will be uploaded into the respective Museum databases, so they will be available to facilitate the research of Japanese lacquer. Moreover, the research results will be incorporated into my PhD dissertation. Furthermore, I am planning to publish an article regarding the collecting history and iconography of the exported seventeenth-century Japanese lacquers.

    高橋 伸城文学研究科 D2/衣笠総合研究機構 RA

    Hirunsalee Siyanee政策科学研究科 D2/立命館グローバル・イノベーション研究機構 RA
    派遣概要10 - 20 Oct. 2011:
    1) Preparing the research proposal: The roles of University in Protecting Cultural Heritage from Disaster: The case study of the Universities in Italy
    21 - 31 Oct. 2011:
    1) Field Survey at University of Venice and Interview with Former dean of University of Venice
    2) Interview with Professor in Cesena University
    01 - 06 Nov. 2011:
    1) Field Survey at L’Aquila University and the affected area from earthquake 2009
    2) Interview with Professor in L’Aquila University
    3) Interview with two civil protection members 4) Submitting paper for the conference
    07 - 13 Nov. 2011
    1) Field Survey and Interview with Professor in Bologna University
    14 - 20 Nov. 2011
    1) Preparing question outline for the interview
    2) Interview with the dean of faculty of Architecture in Sassari University
    20 - 30 Nov.2011
    1) Interview with the Students in the University of Sassari, who have been engaged with serving archives and cultural heritages
    2) Submitting paper for the conference
    01 - 14 Dec. 2011
    1) Summarizing the report from the interview
    2) Discussing and Editing with Professor Paola Rizzi
    3) Submitting paper for the conference

    Italy is the country of the heritages. In each city has keep it own historic city in the center of the city. Most of the historical centers are the living heritage, contain heritages buildings, monuments and sculptures which residents, live in the area, are directly interact with. The hardest preservation works is to preserve the living heritages. The structure in the University in Italy (Faculty of Architecture) is also emphasized on the intervention in architecture and restoration works after disaster and how to preserve the landscape of the heritages. After Italy has been hit by various disasters in the last decade. In sum, The Roles of University in Protecting Cultural Heritage has been increasing recently which are;
    1. Integrating the study of Archeology, History, Cultural Values and Architecture in order to improve the ability of the human resource to work on cultural heritages
    2. Not only providing knowledge and information to students but also eager to communicate with the residents in historical areas. Operate the work with community such Meeting, Conference or Exhibition.
    3. Offering the credits to students who went volunteer for the restoration process. In this way, students would have more opportunities to experience in the field work and in real situation.
    4. Taking care its own buildings which are cultural heritages in preserving the structure and also its landscape.
    During this program, I have published my article in one proceeding book: “A Resilient City - Towards A Disaster - Resilient Community” Defining The Architectural Space: Durability and Fleetingness of Architect 2011/2 Issue 14. Technical Transactions of 11th International Scientific Conference of the institute of Architectural design, Krakow, Architektura, Kracow University of Technology. November 18 - 19, 2011. pp 147 - 150. And give a presentation on the topic of “University - Community Business Continuity Management For Disaster - Resilient Community” in The 3rd International workshop of Awareness and Responsibility on Environmental Risks, Cagliari, Italy. On December 2, 2011.

    Bat Jargal Biligsaikhan理工学研究科 D2/衣笠総合研究機構 RA
    派遣概要I participated on-site seminars in SOAS and made an oral presentation about my research. I made a demonstration of myaprototype system and made discussions for obtaining comments and feedbacks. Basic survey on end-user evolutions is conducted. I met with researchers at SOAS, exchanged knowledge and obtained some valuable comments. Such comments are considerable for my research. I broaden my understanding of users' and researchers needs.
    As the outcome of my research, I developed a prototype system for Ukiyo-e prints (http://ukiyoe.media.ritsumei.ac.jp/). Some research achievements and results are submitted and presented to the international conforences such as DH2012, Culture and Computing 2011 and Osaka Symposium on Digital Humanities 2011, as well as domestic conference 人文科学とコンピュータシンポジウム論文集. Now I'm working ona a journal article.

    Sookhanaphibarn Kingkarn衣笠総合研究機構 PD

    飯塚 隆藤文学研究科 D2/
    衣笠総合研究機構 RA/立命館グローバル・イノベーション研究機構 RA
    派遣概要英国のロンドンを拠点として、英国内の主要な運河網の保存と活用状況について調査した。具体的には、ロンドン市内のRegent's CanalやバーミンガムのBirmingham Canal、マンチェスターのManchester Ship Canal、Rochdale Canalなどを現地調査し、運河の水面や護岸、Lockなどの活用状況を調査した。また、派遣先であるロンドン大学SOASの図書館やBritish Libraryにて、運河に関する書籍や論文、資料などの文献収集を行った。
    研究成果として、英国の主要都市であるロンドン・バーミンガム・マンチェスターの運河を現地調査し、そこで得られたナローボートや船舶の係留場所、Lockの位置、水面の利用状況などのデータをもとに、GISデータベースを構築したことが挙げられる。また、英国における運河の変遷について、資料収集したデータをもとに地図を作成した。こうした成果は、英国の運河研究やHistorical GISプロジェクトに対して、新たな試みであり、貢献できるものと考えられる。

    二俣 希文学研究科 D1