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  • Dual-Degree Program

Graduate of the Ritsumeikan University, College of International Relations and the American University, School of International Service, Tanaka Tomoyuki

Graduating from 2 universities in 4 years.Taking twice the hardships, providing twice the happiness

The “Dual-Degree Program” recognizes credits earned at
both Japanese and overseas universities at equal value.
A unique program where if all requirements are met, participants receive a bachelors degree from both universities.
There are no “classes for international students.” Participants take the same courses as local students.
Furthermore, their destination is Washington D.C., which is said to be the political center of the world.
The program is hard, but there is no better way to become internationally-minded.
“The course on poverty issues, which taught us ‘you must be active to solve these problems,’ and collecting donations from local businesses to establish a student NGO, stick in my memory the most,” says program graduate Tanaka Tomoyuki.
Tanaka created many connections with governmental entities and Japanese corporations,
as well as held monthly study groups and lectures on a wide variety of issues.
“Before even considering if I could do it or not, I just went for it”
Having students search out knowledge on there on could be the true achievement of this program.