
Career Guidance Session Held

A career guidance session was held for 2nd year RU Home students. 


Staff from the Ritsumeikan University Career center gave an overview and the schedule of job-hunting in Japan, and also explained how their office can support students while they study abroad (via email and Skype).

The staff shared information to deepen the students’ understanding of job-hunting in Japan, to inform them of what they can do during their time in the US, and to give them an idea about job-hunting once they return to Japan.

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It was a great opportunity for students to start thinking concretely about their future plans, reflect on their 1.5 years in the JDP so far, and think about how they will spend their upcoming 2 years in the US.

We hope that the JDP students will make the most of their 4 years in Japan and the US, and will develop careers as unique as the JDP.

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