
Call for application for the AY 2024 RARA Student Fellowship Program

Ritsumeikan Univ. is pleased to announce a  fellowship program of "RARA Student Fellow"This program is that we will foster "T-type doctoral impact makers" and "next-generation AI advanced business people," both of whom are able to find joy in demonstrating social impact through deepening their own specialized research fields and collaborating with researchers in different fields. 

 Please check the application guidelines for details.


Those who will be in the 1st year to the 3rd year of the doctoral course of the University in the spring semester of AY2024 

*However, Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship recipients,  Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellow and so on shall be excluded. 

Number of positions to be made available

Approximately 60 positions

Application Schedule

Application Period: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 ~ Monday, March 18 at 12:00 PM (noon)

Results Announcement:Early April 2024

*Be informed to the applicant (by email)

Application Guidelines/Application Documents

<Application Guidelines>

Application Guidelines for RARA Student Fellow Ritsumeikan Advanced Research Academy (RARA)

<Application documents>

Application Form (Form 1)

*In addition, students of Ritsumeikan University are required to submit their research achievements on the “Ri-SEARCH (Ritsumeikan University Search Engine of Academic Record and Career History of Young Researchers)” (, and those from other universities are required to submit a list of their research achievements (in free format).

Letter of Recommendation from your supervisor (Form 2)

Application Checklist (This checklist is NOT required to be submitted.)

Submission method

Please register for application from the following URL, then submit ALL your application documents.
For details, please check the application guidelines.



RARA Office, Ritsumeikan University