        <font color= Isao Tokudas Lebenslauf

(in Japanische) (in Englische) (deutscher Lebenslauf)
Name: Isao, Theodore, TOKUDA
Gegenwaertig arbeite ich mit dem Humboldt-Forschungsstipendium an:
Hauptveroeffentlichungen (Voll)
  1. I. Tokuda, S. Kajiwara, R. Tokunaga, T. Matsumoto: Recognizing chaotic time-waveforms in terms of a parametrized family of nonlinear predictors, Physica D, Vol. 95, pp. 380-395 (1996)
  2. I. Tokuda, T. Nagashima, K. Aihara: Global bifurcation structure of chaotic neural networks and its application to traveling salesman problems, Neural Networks, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp.1673-1690 (1997)
  3. I. Tokuda, T. Miyano, K. Aihara: Surrogate analysis for detecting nonlinear dynamics in normal vowels, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 110, No.6, pp.3207-3217 (2001)
  4. I. Tokuda, J. Kurths, E. Rosa Jr.: Learning phase synchronization from non-synchronized chaotic regime, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 88, Issue 1, 014101 (2002)
  5. I. Tokuda, T. Riede, J. Neubauer, M.J. Owren, H. Herzel: Nonlinear analysis of irregular animal vocalizations, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.111, No.6, pp.2908-2919 (2002)
  6. K. Aihara, I. Tokuda: Possible neural coding with inter-event intervals of synchronous firing, Physical Review E, Vol. 66, 026212 (2002)
  7. T. Matsumoto, T. Miyano, R. Tokunaga, I. Tokuda: ``Chaos and Time Series,'' Baifukan (2002) (in Japanese)
  8. I. T. Tokuda, J. Horacek, J. G. Svec, H. Herzel: Comparison of biomechanical modeling of register transitions and voice instabilities with excised larynx experiments, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 122, pp. 519-531 (2007)
  9. I. T. Tokuda, S. Jain, I.Z. Kiss, J.L. Hudson: Inferring phase equations from multivariate time series, Physical Review Letters, 99, 064101 (2007)
  10. T. Riede, I. T. Tokuda, J.B. Munger, S. Thompson: Mammalian lryngeal air sacs add variability to the vocal tract impedance - Physical and computational modeling, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 124, Issue 1, 634 (2008)

  1. ``Method for designing asymptitic measure of chaotic optimization systems,'' Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 10750259), Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (1998-1999)
  2. ``Non-stationary chaotic time series analysis based on a parametrized family of nonlinear predictors,'' Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 12750308) Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (2000-2001)
  3. ``Multivariate data analysis of coupled chaotic systems,'' Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 14750272) Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (2002-2004)
  4. ``Oscillator network modeling of SCN neurons and its application to circadian rhythm,'' Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 20560352) Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (2008-2010)

Arbeitserfahrung am fremden Institut

Diese Seite wurde vom I. Tokuda geschrieben

am 29 April, 2003