International criminal justice, Public international law, International organization studies, Peace and conflict studies, International human rights law
Educational Qualifications
Bachelor of Arts in Cultural and Language Studies (03/2009 Osaka University)
Master of Arts in International Public Policy (03/2011 Osaka University)
Master of Laws (LL.M.) (09/2012 Leiden University)
PhD in Law (03/2015 Osaka University)
Academic Experience
04/2020-present Associate Professor, College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University
10/2019-03/2020 Assistant Professor, Hakubi Center, Kyoto University
04/2019-09/2019 Senior Researcher, Hyogo Earthquake Memorial 21st Century Research Institute
10/2018-03/2019 Visiting Researcher, Graduate School of International Public Policy, Osaka University
04/2015-09/2018 Research Fellow (SPD), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Kyoto University)
Selected Publications
Books and Book Chapters
Megumi Ochi, The System of International Procedural Criminal Law: The Premise Theory and the Principle of Ne Bis In Idem (Shinzansya, 2020) [in Japanese].
(Book Chapter) Megumi Ochi and Saori Matsuyama, “Ethnic Conflicts in Myanmar: The Application of Law on Non-International Armed Conflict,” in Suzannah Linton, Tim McCormack & Sandesh Sivakumaran (eds), Asia-Pacific Perspectives on International Humanitarian Law (Cambridge University Press, 2019).
Megumi Ochi, “The Regulatory Scope of the Chambers on Prosecutorial Discretion in the International Criminal Court: Decision Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute on the Authorisation of an Investigation into the Situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (5 March 2020),” Tokyo Review of International Law, No. 9 (2021), pp. 190-199 (in Japanese).
Megumi Ochi, “Amnesty and the Exception of ne bis in idem in International Criminal Justice ―Reflecting the Concretization of ‘Combating Impunity’―”, International Public Policy Studies, Vol. 23(1) (2018), pp. 75-96 (in Japanese).
Megumi Ochi, “Priority and Conflict concerning the Obligations to Extradite for International Crimes,” Law Review of Kansai University, Vol. 68, No. 5 (2018), pp. 143-188 (in Japanese).
Watching war or crime movies and dramas, playing jazz drum or rock guitar, playing yoga, painting and crafting with my son, nommunication
Q1What are your current teaching areas and current research themes?
I teach: International Law, International Organizations, Peace and Conflict Studies, and International Human Rights (Graduate school).
I have four ongoing research projects:
(1) The Specialty of Core Crimes
This project attempts to identify the reasons how and why the core crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crime of aggression) are special. It includes examinations about the historical background of the core crimes, relevant international criminal legal theories and psychological works on organization studies and obedience.
(2) Principles and sources of International criminal procedure
This project focuses on procedural principles of international criminal law and discusses the theories on sources of these principles and relationship with the principles of public international law. Special attention is given to the issues of ne bis in idem and amnesty.
(3) Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
This project aims at examining current problems relating to the legal frameworks for enhancing international cooperation on criminal matters such as extradition or exchange of evidence. It reveals human rights problems and statehood problems regarding recent transnational crime phenomenon.
(4) Peace and conflict studies
This project is for conducting preliminary research to construct comprehensive and systematic understanding of the fields, including interdisciplinary approaches combining law, politics, international relations, psychology, ethics and sociology. It pays special attention to the issue of reparation to victims of core crimes in the context of transitional justice, human rights abuses involving multinational companies and protection of person under disaster.
Q2What do you think the biggest appeal of the JDP is for students?
I would like to appeal the aspect which does not appear in the official explanation, but I feel is the most valuable asset of this program: Warm instructors and advisors who provide full support for your life in both Washington DC and Kyoto! Studying abroad can be very stressful, but this program functions very well to reduce stressing miscellaneous problems to make your academic life in two countries smooth and pleasant.
Q3What do you expect future JDP students to learn and experience during their studies in the JDP?
Students will experience two completely different academic systems and cultures in this program, which will enable them to be prepared for working at multicultural working environment with skills and knowledge about how to reduce cultural conflict and create harmony among different customs and beliefs. I would like students to participate in as many events and opportunities as possible to work with students from all over the world and have discussion on various issues relating to international relations to see the different values and background that affect their opinions and learn how to communicate with people with different history and beliefs.