You are kindly requested to submit an abstract (one A4 page maximum, only in PDF format,size
lower than 1 Mb) to Ms. Tomoe Taniguchi
E-mail: 12V00151@gst.ritsumei.ac.jp
by 15 July,
2012 (Extended)
The abstract should contain:
- Title of the paper
- Authors (full address of the company, Fax
number, e-mail, personal titles of the corresponding author
and the co-authors)
- Statement of contents and main points
The Scientific Committee will decide whether to
accept the abstract. It should clearly emphasize the principal
scientific, technical, economic or practical aspects of the
intended paper
Language: English
Extended Abstract and Paper
follw the instructions for preparation of a Extended
Abstract (to be inserted into an Abstract Booklet) and a camera
ready Paper (for the Conference Proceedings).
Download File
Abstract : Instruction, Example
Paper : Instruction, Example
When you have completed your work, please submit by e-mail
(a) Your Extended Abstract in PDF format.
(b) Your Paper in PDF format.
Please remember that such PDF files must be sent by
20 April, 2013(Extended).
Note that the total size of such two PDF files (Extended
Abstract+Paper) has to be lower than 3 Mb. If the size of
files is higher than 3 Mb, please send a CD to Ms. Tomoe
Taniguchi (Conference secretariat). |