Taeko Ando and Toshiyuki Toriyama
Description of New Piezoresistance Tensor Equation for a Cubic Single Crystal and Its Application to Multiaxial Stress
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Taeko Ando and Toshiyuki Toriyama
Role of preferential crystallographic orientation in piezoresistance anisotropy for cubic polycrystalline aggregates
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Taeko Ando, Mitsuhiro Shikida, and Kazuo Sato
Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Degradation of Single-Crystal Silicon Microbeam in MEMS Resonator
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Yasuyuki Koide, Daisuke Teramoto, Satoshi Konishi, and Taeko Ando
Fabrication of Convex Si Microstructures for Hot Embossing of Microfluidic Channels with 45° Mirror
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T. A. Phan, H. Oguchi, M. Hara, M. Shikida, H. Hida, T. Ando, K. Sato, and H. Kuwano
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S. Nakao, T. Ando, M. Shikida, and K. Sato
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X. Li, T. Kasai, S. Nakao, T. Ando, M. Shikida, and K. Sato
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S. Nakao, T. Ando, M. Shikida, and K. Sato
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T. Tsuchiya, M. Hirata, N. Chiba, R. Udo, Y. Yoshitomi, T. Ando, K. Sato, K. Takashima, Y. Higo, Y. Saotome, H. Ogawa, and K. Ozaki
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T. Ando, X. Li, S. Nakao, T. Kasai, M. Shikida, and K. Sato
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T. Ando, X. Li, S. Nakao, T. Kasai, M. Shikida, and K. Sato
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X. Li, T. Kasai, S. Nakao, H. Tanaka, T. Ando, M. Shikida, and K. Sato
Measurement for fracture toughness of single crystal silicon film with tensile test
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X. Li, T. Kasai, S. Nakao, T. Ando, M. Shikida, K. Sato, and H. Tanaka
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M. Shikida, M. Ando, Y. Ishihara, T. Ando, K. Sato, and K. Asaumi
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M. Shikida, M. Odagaki, N. Todoroki, M. Ando, Y. Ishihara, T. Ando, and K. Sato
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T. Ando, M. Shikida, K. Sato
Tensile-mode fatigue testing of silicon films as structural materials for MEMS
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T. Yoshioka, T. Ando, M. Shikida, and K. Sato
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K. Sato, T. Yoshioka, T. Ando, M. Shikida, and T. Kawabata
Tensile testing of silicon film having different crystallographic orientations carried out on a silicon chip
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T. Ando and T. Toriyama
Piezoresistive Rosette Gauge Taking into Account of Silicon Cubic Crystal Anisotropy
Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2016 (APCOT2016), (Kanazawa, Jun. 26-29, 2016)
T. Ando, K. Ueno, and M. Nakajima
Compliant MEMS Structure for Observation of Fixed Point under Tensile Deformation
The 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016), (Matsushima, Apr. 17-20, 2016)
S. Sugiyama, T. Ando, S. Amaya
Investigation of Material Mechanical Properties Used for Polymer MEMS
The 5th International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Application (IWNA 2015), (Vung Tau, Vietnam, Nov. 11-14, 2015)
K. Ueno and T. Ando
Effect of Temperature and Loading Rate on Plastic Deformation of Single Crystal Si
28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2015), 12P-7-102, (Toyama, Nov. 10-13, 2015)
S. Shibata, S. Amaya, S. Sugiyama, and T. Ando
Fatigue Phenomenon of PMMA Under Cyclic Stress Using Electrostatic Com-Drive Actuator
27th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2014), 6C-5-3, (Fukuoka, Nov. 4-7, 2014)
K.Tani and T. Ando
Fabrication of MEMS Chamber for SEM Observation Under Controlled Temperature Condition
27th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2014), 6P-7-94, (Fukuoka, Nov. 4-7, 2014)
S. Sugiyama, S. Shibata, S. Amaya, and T. Ando
Application of Polymer MEMS to Material Fatigue Testing
The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, (Hanoi, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2014)
S. Shibata, S. Amaya, S. Sugiyama, and T. Ando
Fatigue Testing of PMMA Using Polymer MEMS Actuator Fabricated by Hot Embossing
7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies (APCOT2014), 14-1, (Daegu, Jun. 29-Jul. 2, 2014)
Yasuyuki Koide, Daisuke Teramoto, Satoshi Konishi, and Taeko Ando
Fabrication of convex Si microstructures with 45° mirror plane for application of microfluidic channels
MNC 2013, 26th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, 8P-11-110, (2013.11.5-8, 札幌)
T. A. Phan, H. Oguchi, M. Hara, M. Shikida, H. Hida, T. Ando, K. Sato, and H. Kuwano
A new metallic glass Fe-B-Nd-Nb thin film material for micro sensors and actuators: fabrication and characterization
Tech. Dig. of The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers ’13) pp. 1040-1043, (Barcelona, Jun. 16-20, 2013)
T. Shirata, T. Sato, and T. Ando
Dependence of mechanical on position in silicon ingot by evaluating B and Ge codoped silicon
Tech. Dig. of The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers ’13) pp. 1055-1058, (Barcelona, Jun. 16-20, 2013)
T. Ando, T. Takumi, and Kazuo Sato
Fracture Toughness of Si Thin Film at Very Low Temperatures by Tensile Test
Proc. of IEEE MEMS 2011, pp.436-439, (Cancun, Mexico, Jan. 24-27, 2011)
S. Kamiya, T. Tsuchiya, T. Ikehara, K. Sato, T. Ando, T. Namazu, and K. Takashima
Cross comparison of fatigue lifetime testing on silicon thin film specimens
Proc. of IEEE MEMS 2011, pp.436-439, (Cancun, Mexico, Jan. 24-27, 2011)
T. Naito, A. Yatsuhashi, N. Kaji, T. Ando, K. Sato, H. Moriya, H. Kitano, Y. Okamoto, M. Tokeshi, and Y. Baba
On-chip real-time PCR for genetic Tug-of-War (g-TOW) experiment
Proceedings of MicroTAS 2009 conference, pp. 627-629, (Jeju, Korea, Nov. 1-5, 2009)
T. Ando, T. Takumi, and Kazuo Sato
Degradation of mechanical strength at Si/SiO2 interface on SOI wafers under cyclic loading
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