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Fluff Spinning in Circles

  • Sachiko Aoki
  • Others|Hobbies_LeisureActivities
  • Beginner
  • 2021

What do you usually do before you go to bed? Googling a video of spinning Pomeranians on the smartphone is my routine. I am utterly aware of the negative impact of staring at an electronic screen on the quality of my sleep, but I cannot help it. A random Pomeranian spinning in circles makes me so happy I feel like I can fall asleep in a better mood. I wish I could live with one, but unfortunately, pets are not allowed in my apartment building.

Pomeranians are so fluffy and adorable I could watch them spinning all day, not that I do. Do they not get dizzy? Do they like the dizziness? When they spin, they look happy and excited, but have you ever wondered why they spin in circles? A friend of mine, who is a veterinarian and a Pomeranian owner, gave me some answers.

Here are some possible reasons why Pomeranians spin in circles: Pomeranians are happy and excited to see you. Spinning in circles is one of the ways for Pomeranians to show their affection. Pomeranians are said to be lapdogs and want to be with their companions, therefore, they also spin in circles to get your attention. In addition, Pomeranians engage in this activity for the joy and pleasure that spinning brings. Human toddlers also enjoy the experience of spinning in circles. It is not unusual to see them keep spinning in circles for a long time. However, Pomeranians can be alert when they spin as well. They are checking their surroundings before they become vulnerable. For example, they spin before going to sleep and potty. They make sure that no predators are around or close. Finally, if you have a Pomeranian, there is one thing that you might want to keep in mind. Pomeranians spinning in circles can be a sign of their discomfort or issues. They might be suffering from a compulsive disorder. In this case, their spinning is like a human child biting their nails or other animals pacing repetitively from stress. Please do not worry too much because they are likely to show more signs such as twitching and a loss of appetite if they are sick.

I guess I was not wrong about Pomeranians looking happy and excited when they spin in circles, but I did not know the same behavior can mean other things. Whatever the reasons why they spin, fluff spinning in circles helps me ease my tension and fatigue before bed.



Photo Credit: Kateryna Babaieva from pexels.com



Blog Quiz



Q1. What is “fluff” in the title?

Q2. Does the author watch videos of Pomeranians spinning in circles all day?

Q3. Why do Pomeranians spin in circles?





Scroll down ↓ for the answers to the quiz.











Quiz Answers

A1. A Pomeranian.

A2. No.

A3. Because they are happy and excited; they enjoy the feeling of spinning; they also check their surroundings by spinning; they might be sick.


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