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Magic Baths


I’m gonna let you guys in on a little secret: you, too, can travel to your favourite onsen! First, you’ll need a Magic Bathtub. Next, you’ll need to get BATHCLIN’S Famous Hot Springs of Japan Bath Salts. Each package you buy has 14 sachets for 8 famous onsen locations. (I have learned not to ask questions like Why not 16 for 2 places each?) Anyway, here are my top three. The places may be a bit far away, but with a little imagination you can get there in the time it takes to fill up your tub.


The third best place I would recommend going to is Kurokawa Onsen in Kumamoto. Its cloudy green fragrance will call to mind gentle wildflowers drifting in the refreshing breeze that passes through the mountain stream of the Tanoharu River. If you wear a wooden pass, you will be able to hear faint, distant echoes like those made from inside a deep rock cave.  


The second is Nyuto Onsen in Akita. Its creamy whiteness will bring before your eyes marshmallow-like snow-clad hills and cranes spreading their wings as they fly by above you while you sip your Dewatsuru Junmai Nigori. Your bruises, cuts, and skin problems, such as eczema, will disappear as you pour water over your body with a natural hinoki bath bucket.


But the best place I’ve ever been to in a bathtub is Beppu Onsen in Oita. A warm scent with a hint of Japanese citrus in the rising steam will engulf your apartment, now reminiscent of a retro hot spring town. Two old ladies are in your kitchen busily preparing the local Hell Steam Cuisine. Boiling in their hell pots are bamboo baskets filled with eggs, sweet potatoes, and ears of corn. It’s a quaint little town providing quaint little memories. Like the time that little girl with an ice-cream cone came up to you and asked if you had seen her pet bird Nibi.


Photo Credit:hiroooooki@Wikimedia Commons






Q1. Which is the first onsen mentioned? 

Q2. Which onsen helps with skin problems?

Q3. Which is the best onsen mentioned? 


Scroll down ↓ for the answers










A1. Kurokawa Onsen

A2. Nyuto Onsen

A3. Beppu Onsen

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