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A smartwatch or fitness tracker

With the spread of smartphones, the number of people who wear a watch has probably decreased. In fact, I do not see many students wearing one in my classes. I also stopped wearing a simple wristwatch at some point after getting a smartphone.

However, I see more and more people wearing high-tech gadgets on their wrists recently. Some wear a smartwatch, and others wear a fitness tracker. Are there clear differences between them? In the past, there seemed to be a clearer divide, but they share some common features now. Which one sounds better to buy?

A smartwatch is usually more versatile than a fitness tracker. Trackers are usually devices intended to monitor health and physical activities whose features often include steps, heart rate and sleep tracking. Some of the more advanced ones even track stress levels, skin temperature, and breathing rate. Smartwatches usually come with all these features plus even more.

Smartwatches are like extensions of smartphones. You can text and answer phone calls on the smartwatch, and some advanced ones allow you to pay train fares like built-in Suica and PASMO. However, more is not always better. Smartwatches are generally more expensive than fitness trackers. Smartwatches also tend to have large displays, which can be uncomfortable on the wrist.

After debating which to buy, I actually bought a fitness tracker a few years ago, and I think I made the right choice. It has motivated me off my couch. It tracks my daily activities such as steps taken and calories burned, in addition to my heart rate and sleep. Being able to see how many steps I take every day makes me want to walk more than I usually do. I was once both surprised and excited to see I took more than 16,000 steps on campus. Another feature I really appreciate is sleep tracking. My fitness tracker not only tracks how many hours I sleep but also the amount of time I spend in light, deep, and REM sleep. By syncing my tracker to my smartphone app, I can see my weekly sleep patterns. I have figured out that my brain and body function well when I sleep for about seven hours and a half. I am pretty happy and satisfied with the features of my fitness tracker, but if you want to enjoy more features and can afford one, a smartwatch may be a better choice for you.

Photo Credit: Pixabay 


Q1. Does the author have a smartwatch?

Q2. What kind of features does the author’s gadget have?

Q3. What does the word “versatile” in the third paragraph mean?

Scroll down ↓ for the answers

A1. No
A2. It tracks steps taken, calories burned, heart rate, and sleep
A3. It means “able to be used for many different purposes.”

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