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Becoming better at job interviews

  • Robert Perkins
  • Career
  • 2019
As a supervisor of the BBP, I am sometimes asked by students how to prepare for a job interview in English. For example, I was recently asked how to get ready for a group interview at a business consultancy; i.e, Deloitte Touché, Tata, or McKinsey. While there are many aspects to performing well on such an interview, being able to express yourself clearly is paramount. Most people realize this, but they do not know how to improve their ability to communicate, especially on their own. To such people, I often suggest watching clips of the television program Dragon's Den which are readily available on YouTube.

Dragons’ Den is a British reality TV program in which entrepreneurs attempt to get money and support for their new companies from experienced business people. The format for the show is based on the Japanese program, Tigers of Money(マネーの虎). In each episode, a person seeking an investment explains the merits of an idea and answers questions about it. If the entrepreneur’s presentation is successful, he or she receives an investment in exchange for a financial stake in the company. For example, in one-episode entrepreneurs were able to get an investment of around 12,000,000 yen for a bicycle helmet that had rechargeable lights and signals built into it.

Watching Dragons’ Den is a good way to prepare for a job interview at a consultancy for at least three reasons. For one, it exposes you to new business trends and ways of thinking that will help you view future issues from more perspectives. For another, you will be able to observe how people express themselves concisely. In the process, you will come to understand the information business people value and how to differentiate between essential and superfluous information. Finally, it will give you the chance to watch and learn from real negotiations. By doing this, you can pick up tricks for building rapport, defusing contentious situations, and standing your ground.

As there are many Dragons’ Den highlights on YouTube, you can access them easily at your convenience. In addition, since the clips are often less than 20 minutes long, they can be fit into even busy schedules. Ideally the clips will make you so familiar with negotiations that you will be free of anxiety and ready to shine in your next interview.

Reference: BBC (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006vq92)

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