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The Experience of Studying Abroad

  • Nicholas Marx
  • StudyAbroad|Travel|LanguageLearning
  • Beginner
  • 2022

In university, many students are offered a chance to learn overseas and experience study abroad programs. During my time as an undergraduate student, I attended a smaller university in my city that did not have many study abroad programs. However, it did offer an interesting summer program. Basically, the university offers some of their own classes, taught by their own teachers in different countries. Students go there and take their regular university classes in English while living in a different country and culture.


Before this, I had never left my country, the United States, and had no experience with international travel, so I felt I had to go before I graduated! My first experience abroad was nowhere other than Kyoto, Japan. I spent six weeks in Kyoto taking university classes in the morning and wandering around the city in the afternoons and evenings with my classmates and Japanese university students we met during that short time.


Though this time was short compared to many study abroad experiences, I came back to my country with three simple lessons that I still try to follow to this day:


1. Go for it! – Don't be afraid to take a chance. It can sometimes be overwhelming due to being in a new space, but the reward is greater than the struggle.


2. Don't be shy! – Generally, I am a shy person, so I understand how hard this advice can be. However, you must try your best to be outgoing and friendly. In the case of studying abroad, this will give you more chances to communicate with local students and better learn the language of the country you are in.


3. Go outside! – Whether you are in a city or a rural area, the best thing you can do is go outside. Whether it is for a walk, a bike ride, a train ride, or something else, try to experience a place that isn't just your comfort zone. Just because you must study doesn't mean you have to study in your room. Go to the university library, a café, a park and turn that study time into a study away time.


If you are interested, study abroad in the future if you can. If not, take a lovely trip somewhere that you are interested in. You never know how it might change your life. Maybe you will end up like me. Ten years after studying abroad, I am now happily living in the same city where I had some of my most memorable experiences, Kyoto, Japan.


You can find out more about studying abroad here. {Ritsumeikan Study Abroad [https://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/studyabroad/]}


Photo credit Artem Beliaikin@Pexels.com



Q1: How long did the author study in Japan?

a. 2 Weeks

b. 6 Weeks

c. 6 Months


Q2: What is a word with the opposite meaning of "shy"?

a. Funny

b. Loud

c. Outgoing


Q3 Ten years after studying abroad, where does the author live?

a. Kyoto, Japan

b. Nara, Japan

c. Osaka, Japan


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A1: b. (6 Weeks)


A2: c. (Outgoing)


A3: a. (Kyoto, Japan)

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