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Has Finding New Music Changed?


In the past, how we listened to music was fairly simple. Personally, I listened to the radio, watched music TV channels, and bought music in stores to listen to on cassette players or CD players. Then came the technological changes of MP3 players, such as the iPod by Apple. The rest is history. But has this changed how we consume music?


Growing up in the United States, a big emphasis was put on listening to the radio. Radio was simple, and each radio station had its own themes: top 20 music, country, hip-hop, classic rock, classical, and so on. People listened to what they were interested in, and this was the best way to listen to the newest music. Now people listen to playlists online that are curated by the music apps or services to listen to the latest music. Now listening to specific artists is easier than ever. However, listening to a new playlist is not so different from what I did when I was younger, listening to the radio. Each playlist is like a different radio station with its own music genres and music selection that brings the same excitement as when I was young.


I’ve recently found new types of music I like and found songs that I’d never imagined I would enjoy. For example, I’ve been enjoying country music for the last few months. As a young boy, I’d never have imagined enjoying country music, but listening to a “New Music” playlist, sometimes country music is played, which has caught my ear. So maybe you can even find something new you might like, or there might be a genre of music you thought you didn’t like that might grow on you.


From listening to playlists for studying, top music, or even new genre playlists, there are so many new and old types of music that are more easily accessible. Instead of listening to the radio in the car or using a radio at home, we can listen to the newest music on our PCs or on our phones. However, the joys of hearing new music have never been more easily accessible. Even though the radio has lost popularity, finding new music will continue to be something that excites all people. The next time you open up your music app, try a new playlist. Listen to something new or something different. Give it a try. You never know what you might enjoy.

Photo Credit: Charlotte May@pexels.com

Blog Quiz


Q1. How did people listen to new music in the past?

a. Music applications

b. Concerts

c. Radios


Q2. In the past, what device did the author use to listen to music?

a. Smart phone

b. CD player

c. MP3 Player


Q3. What genre of music did the author like after listening to a new music playlist?

a. Top 20 music

b. Rock music

c. Country music


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Quiz Answers

Q1. C

Q2. B

Q3. C

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