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What Difficulty Do You Prefer for Games and Life?


Do you play computer games? If so, what difficulty setting do you prefer? The typical choices are easy, medium, and hard. Some people set their games to easy so that they can enjoy a stress-free experience. Others bump up the difficulty to medium to add a little bit of a challenge. But in my experience, medium difficulty hardly proves a challenge at all. So, do you like to be punished on hard difficulty? For me, when given a choice, my preferred difficulty is somewhere between hard and very hard, which is quite challenging. I need to feel like I can barely survive to get the maximum satisfaction.

Now, if I were to ask you the same question regarding your daily life, your real world, would your answer be the same? Are you someone who wants an easy daily experience that is as free of stress as possible? Or are you up for a challenge from time to time? Maybe some might enjoy the feeling of being totally overwhelmed, as if they are underwater, struggling to breathe. For me, when asked this question, my answer would most definitely be whatever is the easiest difficulty possible. The feeling of being overwhelmed brings me a sense of anxiety that I can’t stand. Indeed, I have had many nightmares about real-world deadlines but never about anxiety related to playing games. In other words, my choices don’t agree with each other at all.

I’m not the only person who feels this way, as many people have brought up this discussion online, pointing out how our actions don’t make sense. Why would someone finish their stressful day at work only to go home and immediately play stressful games in their free time? Some believe the answer is about consequences, which are the outcomes of the actions that we make. In the real world, our actions have real consequences. If we miss a deadline, it could mean that we disappoint others or even get fired from our jobs. And thinking about the consequences makes us afraid of losing control. Games, on the other hand, have a restart button and unlimited chances. Therefore, a game can allow us to experience challenges without having to worry about heavy effects. This is just one theory, and we really don’t know why humans act in this way. But what would happen if we removed the fear of failure? Would we suddenly become more daring and passionate about pursuing difficult challenges? This is an interesting question in my opinion.

Now ask yourself, what type of person are you? What type of person are you in real life? Do you fall apart if you are not in control of your environment? Or do you get excited about the idea of barely managing to hold on?
And what type of person do you want to be? Does it match your preference of game difficulty? And if it doesn’t, why not?

Photo Credit: Ron Lach@pexels.com

Blog Quiz
Q1: Regarding the statement in the last sentence of paragraph #2, “… my choices don’t agree with each other at all,” what choices is the author referring to?

Q2: What preferred difficulty does the author prefer for games? For daily life?

Q3: Why would someone enjoy stressful computer games but hate having a stressful job?

Scroll down ↓ for the answers to the quiz.

Quiz Answers

Q1. The author is referring to the choice of difficulty for games and real life.

Q2. The author prefers games to be significantly challenging while daily life to be as simple as possible.

Q3. Having or not having consequences may change how humans react to a challenge.

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