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Create Your English Environment


Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio @pexels.com


It's probably true that successful language learners make the most of opportunities to interact with the target language they want to master. This means seeking out meaningful practice in the language outside of the traditional classroom. One practical way of doing this is to join the BBP 'Communication Room' at the various campuses of Ritsumeikan University. You might also book a one-to-one study skills session with an experienced instructor via the same BBP program. But what are some other ways to expand your language learning opportunities away from the classroom? How can you create your 'English Environment'?


The concept of an English Environment (EE) refers to the language learning 'space' you make for yourself where exposure to English* (or French, Spanish, Chinese, etc.) is the goal. This 'space' might refer to an hour or more concentrated on your favourite western series on Netflix with the sound AND subtitles switched to English; it might be the hour of your commute to campus where you only listen to English language podcasts; or it might be a daily language practice task on a popular application like English Central, Duolingo or Speakly. What is the point of thinking of this as an 'environment'?


Immersion is the key feature. It is only you and the language. There are no other distractions. To this end, it is better that you choose the habitual daily moments where you are alone in which to create the ideal environment for exposure to English. As mentioned before, the commute to school, a Netflix binge in your bedroom, or opening an app on your smartphone while waiting for the bus are all times when you can watch, listen, read, and absorb the target language at your own pace and to your own amusement. And that's key...


An ideal EE is immersive and absorbing. It's a podcast series you cannot live without; it's a drama series you're hooked on; it's a language learning application that gives you just the right tasks in the right amount of time to keep you motivated to use it more and more. In your regular English class at university, your teacher chooses most of the material to be studied. In the EE you create, you are in charge, so try out all kinds of podcasts, series, and applications until you find some that motivate you to come back again and again.


It might feel to some language learners that studying abroad or having a partner from another culture is the only way to properly immerse yourself in your target language. In fact, it's easy to create an environment to rival these opportunities by devoting a little time in your everyday habitual movements (commuting, waiting, relaxing) to exposing yourself to the language you desire to master. Your EE will make you, in time, a better reader, speaker and listener. Get started today!




Q1. 'Immersion' is a noun. What is the adjective form? What is the verb form? Search the text for the answers.


Q2. Can you guess the meaning of 'binge' in terms of 'a Netflix binge'?

a. to buy a Netflix series and watch it

b. to watch one episode and stop

c. to watch many episodes in a row


Q3. Do you need to study abroad to create your English Environment?


Scroll down ↓ for the answers



A1. 'Immersive' is the adjective form; 'immerse' is the verb form.


A2. c


A3. No. You can create an immersive and absorbing exposure to the target language in your daily life.

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