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Is Studying Abroad for Two Years Worth It?


Photo Credit: Keira Burton @Pexels.com


I was recently talking to a student who is going to study abroad in Australia. He told me he originally wanted to study abroad for two years and in two different countries, the Philippines and Canada. However, the two-year program was too expensive for him, so he was settling for a one-year program.


Our conversation was brief, and the subject changed quickly since other students were involved in the Communication Room discussion. Later on, I wished I had spent more time encouraging the student to reconsider his original plan. He might not realize it, but I think he is going to miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


If anyone reading this is thinking of studying abroad, I hope you will seriously consider studying abroad for two years, not just one. Why?


I think the biggest reason is that you will have a life experience that very, very few people ever have. Most people live their entire lives in their native country, and many never leave that country, except for a one or two-week vacation. They know their own culture only.


A very small minority of people, ex-patriots, leave their native country to live in another culture. I am one of these people. I am from the United States, but I have been living in Japan for more than twenty years now and am a permanent resident. Of all the people I grew up with and met in the United States, I am the only person I know of who has left America to live in another country. And I have only lived in one other country, Japan.


How many of the billions of people on Earth get the chance to live not only in one other country besides their native land like I have, but two other countries?


This is an extremely small group of people, and a very fortunate one. Think of the new experiences you could have if you lived in two different countries in two years! How much would you learn, about yourself, about your native culture, about English, and about the two other cultures you would live in?


You can learn a lot at a university, but you would learn even more at two different universities in two different countries. This is a chance you will most likely get only when you are a college student, when you are young enough and flexible enough to adapt to changes more easily.


And when it is time to look for a job, you will have experiences that set you apart from literally everyone else who is applying for the same job. How much is that worth?


Yes, studying abroad for two years is expensive, but you will be rewarded for the rest of your life by being able to travel a road that few have travelled.


I hope you will keep these things in mind as you contemplate studying abroad. You have a chance to truly change your life. Don’t miss it!



Q1. Why did the student decide to study in only one country abroad?


Q2. What are “ex-patriots”?


Q3. What is the main reason the writer gives for studying in more than one country?


Scroll down ↓ for the answers



A1. Studying in two countries was too expensive.

A2. People who leave their native country to live in another country.

A3. You will have a very rare life experience/This is something that very few people ever do.

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