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Bullet Journals: The Key to Organizing Your Life!


Photo Credit: Bich Tran@pexels.com



Keeping track of important tasks is difficult if you are a busy person like me. On any given day, I have 3-4 classes to teach and lots of preparation and marking. I also do volunteer work, have meetings, and household/family obligations. I have found a solution that you might want to try, and I recommend it to all of my students: Make a Bullet Journal [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm15cmYU0IM], or ‘Bujo’ as some aficionados call it!


The Bullet Journal method was developed by a man named Ryder Carroll. It seems he had trouble organizing his daily life and probably he found iCalendar, Google calendar, or paper planners to be ineffective for him. I certainly do. For some reason, I don’t like to use digital tools to organize my life. I always forget to check them and I find important notes disappear easily. I prefer to use paper but I can never find a paper planner that works for me. I have many paper organizers at home that I have never used. It’s a waste of money! But then I discovered the Bullet Journal. So, what is it?


A Bullet Journal is a customizable notebook that YOU design in a way that helps you remember important tasks and events. Mine contains a calendar, a to-do list, and a notetaking space. I use a regular lined notebook from the Muji store and decorate it with colored pens. I use Flexion pens and colored markers to make lesson plans and lists of things to do. If I need to erase something, these pens allow me to do so. My Bullet Journal is messier than the ones you can find online, like the ones here in this blog post [https://www.oprahdaily.com/life/work-money/a32155559/how-to-start-a-bullet-journal/] or this one [https://bulletjournal.com/blogs/bulletjournalist/your-bullet-journal-your-rules] but it works for me. Give it a try!


Here are some Instagram pages you might follow if you are interested in this topic: @bujoaddictblog, @Bujo_with_Fran, @dulcetbujo, @productivedoodling. Or Google these search terms to get started: “bullet journal ideas”, “bujo”, “bullet journal calendar ideas”. Good luck and happy journaling!








Blog Quiz


Q1. What is a nickname for a Bullet Journal?

Q2. How does Gretchen waste money?

Q3. Why does Gretchen prefer Flexion pens?


Scroll down for the answers to the quiz…























A1. Bujo.

A2. She buys planners that she does not use.

A3. You can erase the text if you need to.

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