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Procrastinating, Perfectionism and the Fear of Failure


Most people are guilty of procrastinating at some point. It is quite common among teenagers as well as university students and the occasional university teacher. Procrastinating is the act of deferring action or to put things off until a later day. Why do things now when you can do them later? It isn’t a new thing, with some people tracing the existence of procrastination back more than two thousand years to Socrates’s investigations into Akrasia or deficient personal control. Modern psychology takes a different perspective on procrastination suggesting that it is often associated with a very different problem - perfectionism.


Perfectionists are people who have a psychological tendency to only set themselves and others extremely high expectations or goals. Viewed as a healthy form of behaviour, this can be highly motivating with some perfectionists achieving high levels of success. Such healthy perfectionists, known as adaptive perfectionists or positive perfectionists, can live highly successful and happy lives. The problem is that many perfectionists will not recognize that success when they achieve it. This is where it can become unhealthy as such maladaptive perfectionists drive themselves towards ever higher goals or put themselves firmly in reverse. One example of maladaptive perfectionism is procrastination.


Procrastination is a maladaptive behaviour because it prevents the perfectionist from ever achieving their goals. However, it serves a psychological need because it reduces the impact of failure. Maladaptive perfectionists are driven by a fear of failure and low self-esteem. By putting off the pursuit of a goal, ultimate failure to achieve the desired perfection can be assigned to a lack of effort or action on the part of the individual. The perfectionist has not invested their time and effort into the activity, so it is not their fault. They have chosen to delay action, so they have avoided feeling bad about themselves. The problem is that such procrastination becomes a regular feature of life and is associated with lack of success and increased anxiety. 


Procrastination does not really solve any problems because it diminishes the person’s sense of self-worth. They know they delayed taking action to avoid failing. Better to avoid comparison with others and revel in the little everyday successes. Do things today so you have more time to make corrections. Start the homework now, so you can spend more time on getting a better score rather than guaranteeing failure 5 minutes before the deadline. Getting into a routine and keeping to it will bring much more success and fewer failures.


Photo Credit: Brett Jordan @pexels.com


Blog Quiz


Q1. What word in the text means 'delaying action'?

Q2. In this context, if 'adaptive' means 'positive', what does 'maladaptive' mean?

Q3. According to the writer when should perfectionists not do homework?

Scroll down  for the answers to the quiz.

Quiz Answers

Q1. Procrastinating

Q2. Negative

Q3. Five minutes before the deadline

戻る / go back

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