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Studying Over a Cup of Coffee


Every time I pass by a café near my house, I see, through the glass-wall, many students studying over a cup of coffee. I used not to be that type of student who can concentrate on studying in a public place like them, but I can relate to them as a coffee lover. While many of them probably drink coffee simply because they like it, some of them (like me in the past) might do so to get the effect of caffeine stimulation.


Caffeine is widely known as a substance that is contained in particular foods and drinks including chocolate, tea and coffee. It may also be added to soda and energy drinks. It acts as a stimulant for the central nervous system, thereby keeping us awake. Studies have shown that an appropriate intake of caffeine promotes learning and memory performance.


People often choose coffee as a beverage to aid concentration due to the effects of caffeine. In fact, according to Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 100ml of coffee contains 60mg of caffeine, which is the second highest proportion of caffeine among familiar drinks next to refined green tea, or gyokuro in Japanese. You may be surprised to learn that in terms of caffeine intake, just drinking a small-sized canned coffee is sometimes much more efficient than drinking an energy drink.


If you want to gain the full benefit of caffeine, be careful about the timing of drinking coffee. Some people mistakenly believe that they can get the stimulating influence of caffeine immediately after drinking coffee. Actually, it is about 30 minutes after consumption that caffeine takes effect, and some more time is needed before this effect reaches its peak levels. This means that you should start drinking coffee 30 minutes before you begin studying, or you have to overcome sleepiness without the help of caffeine for at least 30 minutes. It would also be beneficial to keep in mind that the effect of caffeine lasts for longer than 5 hours. Unless you have to finish your homework staying up late, you should not drink coffee before going to bed.


Last but not least, remember that drinking too much coffee can be harmful. Typical symptoms caused by immoderate consumption of caffeine include an increased heartrate, chilly feeling, and numbness in limbs. There is also a fatal risk due to acute caffeine poisoning in the worst case. To prevent these, it is recommended by Health Canada that healthy adults limit their caffeine intake to 400mg per day, which means they should not drink more than three mugs of coffee. 


As long as moderately consumed, coffee can be a great study companion. Keep up your good work over a cup of coffee!


{Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology [https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/syokuhinseibun/1365420.htm]}

{Health Canada [https://www.healthycanadians.gc.ca/recall-alert-rappel-avis/hc-sc/2010/13484a-eng.php]}

Photo Credit: Chevanon Photography @pexels.com

Blog Quiz


True or False

Q1. Coffee contains the most caffeine out of all drinks.

Q2. The effect of caffeine usually lasts for no longer than 30 minutes.

Q3. Even a healthy adult should be careful not to drink too much coffee.


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Quiz Answers

Q1. False

Q2. False

Q3. True

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