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672 -  Overcoming Boundaries

Overcoming Boundaries

Fitrio Ashardiono

3rd year,Doctoral Program in Policy Science
Research Project:Sustainable Development Policy and Planning
Research Theme :Environmental Policy

  • No.672
  • 2014年10月31日更新
Introducing International Students

Currently, there are about 1,000 international students studying at Ritsumeikan University. They are here to achieve their goals. The number of international students from Asia in particular has seen an increase.

Please take a look at the interviews for the three international students from Indonesia.

What do you study and what is your research at Ritsumeikan University?

My research is on the change of climate and how the agricultural sector can adapt to the climate change.

Why did you pick the theme?
I chose this theme because when I was studying as an undergraduate student in Indonesia, my main focus was on organic waste management and environmental engineering. I wanted to study about what we can do to reduce waste and create a cleaner environment. I also worked on a comparison of the communities in Jakarta to raise awareness of waste management. When I entered Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, my research was more towards the management of waste and now at Ritsumeikan University, my researched has shifted to how the agricultural waste impacts the change in climate.

Are you studying at your own expense or on government expense?
I am currently studying at my own expense and I receive funding for my research.

Why did you choose Ritsumeikan and what is good about studying at Ritsumeikan University?

Ritsumeikan University has a very broad international connection which allows me to visit various sites and attend conferences as a stimulation for my research. I believe that working with world-class professors and individuals will help me build a solid foundation and broaden my personal global perspective.

What is your dream?
My dream is to become an expert in the environmental field and study about how agricultural waste has an influence in climate change. I want to become an international individual who can make contributions to the world by using my knowledge as well as help improve the environment in Indonesia.

A Message for the Teenagers in Indonesia.

Studying in Japan is a good way to experience and explore the world as Japan is a very advanced country. Even though you rarely see trash bins on the streets, the streets are very clean. I encourage the teenagers to come to Japan and see the beautiful environment with their own eyes and think about what they can do to make the same contributions to Indonesia.


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