The Ritsumeikan Bungaku

Serial Number 680

A Special Issue
in Honour of
on the Occasion of
His Retirement

Toru Tani : Transcendental Philosophy and a More Transcendental Philosophy
Takashi Kakuni : Le dépassement dans l’adhérence
― Considérations sur Merleau-Ponty, Le problème de la parole. Cours au Collège de France 1953-1954. Notes.
Daisuke Kamei : Derrida’s Reading of Benjamin in the 1970s
Yoshinori Hayashi : Possibility of Applying Harm Reduction Strategy to Drug Use in Sport
Takashi Suzuki : Husserl’s Theory of Enjoyment
Maiko Sakai : Subject Formation and Assumption of One’s Identity
Kohei Yanagawa : On Time and History in Husserl
Shunsuke Sugimoto : Kant and the Why be Moral? Question:
Based on Professor Hiroyuki Kitao’s Works
Nobutoshi Nagamori : Autonomy with Others
Yuki Takaki : Formulations of Categorical Imperative and the Metaphysics of
Morals in Kant’s Groundwork of Metaphysics of Morals