・ Drug design and dynamics analysis of cell division proteins (ACS Chem Biol 2017, J Struct Biol 2017, Sci Rep 2019, ACS Chem Biol 2023, Nat Commun 2023)
Keyword: Design of antibacterial compounds,Dynamics and structure analysis of bacterial divisome
・ Liquid-liquid phase separation analysis (Cell 2018, Sci Rep 2021, Nat Commun 2021)
Keyword: Nuclear transport proteins, Supramolecular complex
・ Analysis of photosynthetic proteins to improve crop yeild (Nat Commun 2017, Mol Plant 2020)
Keyword: Crop yeild, photosynthesis
・ Improvement of industrial-used enzymes by a novel method (Nat Chem Biol 2015, Protein Sci 2020)
Keyword: Food processing (e.g., Cheese and fermented lactic drink), pharmaceutical synthesis
・ Structure-function analysis and improvement of biopolymer synthetase (Commun Biol 2021)
Keyword: Natural rubber, Biopolymer
・ Development of crystallization technology for proteins and chemical compounds to contribute to drug discovery (Nat Photonics 2016)