センターの目的・役割 Mission Statement



(1) 留学生の日本語の総合的運用能力を養成するプログラム、カリキュラム、授業内容、担当体制の企画、立案

(2) 教授法、評価法(学生による授業評価を含む)をはじめとする日本語教育の理論的、実践的な研究と開発

(3) 留学生の日本語学習に関わる学習相談と学習援助活動の推進

(4) その他 センターの目的を達成するために必要な事項

The Ritsumeikan University Center for Japanese Language Education strives to contribute to the enhancement of Japanese language education for international students through various means such as the development and promotion of education programs at Ritsumeikan University, the proposal and administration of curriculum policies, and continuing research into the field of Japanese language education.

In order to achieve this goal, the Center for Japanese Language Education undertakes the following.

(1) Design of programs, curricula, class content and instructor management systems that develop the comprehensive Japanese language abilities of international students

(2) Theoretic and pragmatic research and development in the field of Japanese language education, which includes the areas of pedagogy and evaluation methods (including class evaluations by students)

(3) Promotion of study support activities and study advice concerned with the Japanese language studies of international students

(4) Other miscellaneous activities required to achieve the Center's goal