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【重要】インボイス制度導入に伴う研究費執行における変更点等についてのご案内 / [Important]Changes, etc. in the execution of research funds due to the introduction of the invoice system



インボイス制度とは、『消費税の仕入税額控除の適用を受けるためには、適格請求書の交付を受けること』が原則となる制度です。 インボイス制度に対応し、学園が適切に消費税の納税を行うことができるようご理解・ご協力のほどお願いいたします。

■インボイス制度導入に伴う研究費執行における変更点等についてのご案内… PDF
■研究費個人立替払請求書… word

On October 1, 2023, the invoice system will be introduced as a method for consumption tax credit for purchases.
The invoice system is a system under which “eligible invoices must be issued in principle in order to qualify for the consumption tax credit for purchases.
Your understanding and cooperation would be appreciated so that Ritsumeikan Academy can properly pay consumption tax in compliance with the invoice system.

■Changes, etc. in the execution of research funds due to the introduction of the invoice system …PDF
■Request for Reimbursement of Personal Advance payment of Research Expenses… word