【重要】(専門業務型裁量労働制教職員・受入教員の皆様)勤務管理書式への押印・署名のとりやめについて/[Important!] (To faculty members and host faculty members applicable to the Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work) Discontinuation of Seals and Signatures on Work Management Forms
- 被雇用者より本学または本務機関のメールアドレスからリサーチオフィスにメール提出頂くことで本人確認ができることから、今後の当該書類への押印または署名は不要とします。
- 研究教員(助教)・専門研究員・研究員の若手3雇用種別については、受入れ教員にメール提出し、受入れ教員から被雇用者も同報(㏄)の上、メール提出をお願いします。もしくは、被雇用者が受入れ教員をccに入れてメール提出のうえ、受入れ教員が内容を確認している旨の文言を添えて、事務局宛メール連絡をお願いします。
- 2024年4月1日に遡及して適用とします。
- 立命館大学のメールアドレス、兼務教員については本務機関のメールアドレスからの提出をもって本人確認できることとしますが、それ以外のメールアドレスを利用される際には事前にメールアドレスについてリサーチオフィスにご申告をお願いします。
- 2024年4月以降の「勤務計画申請書」および「勤務状況自己申告書」は未提出の者も含めてすべて署名・押印は不要とします。
- 様式については署名・押印欄を削除したものをHPに掲載するが、年度途中での変更のため、変更前の書式での提出も受理致します。
BKCリサーチオフィス :内線:515-6024)
The Work Plan Application Form and Self-Report of Work Situation for research faculty and staff members covered by the Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work shall be handled as follows.
<How to submit>
- Since the identity of the relevant individual can be verified by the information submitted by the employee to the Research Office from the e-mail address at the University or from his/her home university or home institution’s e-mail address, the seal or signature on the abovementioned documents shall not be required in the future.
- For the three employment categories of early-career researchers (Research Professor (Assistant Professor), Senior Researcher, and Researcher), please submit an e-mail to the host faculty member, who then shall be requested to send an e-mail to the Research Office with the relevant employee receiving the copy (㏄). Alternatively, the employee shall send an email to the Research Office with the relevant host faculty member receiving the copy (cc), while attaching a statement that the host faculty member has verified the content beforehand.
<Points to note>
- The new submission method will be applied retroactively as of April 1, 2024.
- The identity of the relevant individual shall be deemed to be verifiable by the submission of required information via Ritsumeikan University e-mail addresses or e-mail addresses of their home university or home institution for concurrently serving faculty members. If you wish to use an email address other than above, please notify the Research Office thereof in advance.
- Seals and signatures are not required for all Work Plan Application Forms and Self-Reports of Work Situation after April 2024, including those that have not been submitted.
- The seal and signature columns will be removed from the forms posted on the website; however, submission in the form before the change will also be acceptable since the change has been made halfway in the academic year.
→For forms, please visit here.
For enquiries regarding this matter, please contact the Research Office at the relevant campus.
Research Office at Biwako-Kusatsu Campus: (ext. 515-6024)
Research Office at Kinugasa (ext. 511-2394)
Research Office at Osaka Ibaraki (ext. 513-3505)