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Developing a system that can remotely test robot programming

Developing a system that can remotely test robot programming

Mr. Dmitry Yakushin (2nd year in the Master's program, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering)

  • No.751
  • September. 25, 2015

I came to Japan for the first time when I participated in the RoboCup that was held in Tokyo in 2010. I had a strong impression from Japanese culture and high level of robotics. Also at that time, I was in a group from TUSUR(TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY OF CONTROL SYSTEMS AND RADIOERECTRONICS) with official visit to Ritsumeikan University. I met professor Lee during the tour of research laboratories, and I thought I would like to study there. On next year both universities announced a DMDP (Dual Master’s Degree Program) where a student can be enrolled in both universities for two years, and I joined the program as a first student.

As a result of my study we developed a system that provides a researchers around the world remotely test their source code on a robot. Specifically, the actual robot is located in the research lab at Ritsumeikan University, and a person can upload the source code through a special web site to test it. System provides a video stream from three cameras that is installed in the laboratory that the user can be sure that the programming is running correctly.

Previously, researchers which are do not have a robot could not developed their source code, but with this system, a person need not own an expensive robot. Furthermore, the all source code is open source and accessible from the web, the system gains the special characteristics that researchers can share knowledge to improve the source code.

Originally, my specialties were electronics and engineering, and my research interests is connect the person and robot through the Internet. But this is the first time I worked on such a big project, and it took a year to develop. Laboratory members are helped me a lot with the system, but research require a cooperation and it was difficult, because of language gap, but lab members tried to help me to learn Japanese. My special thanks to Mr. Nakata, he taught me Japanese materials such as Momotaro, and he provided Japanese language support. The laboratory facilities and environment were comfortable. The delivery service in Tomsk (Russia) not so good. It takes two or three weeks to get ordered parts through the Internet, but in Japan it super-fast and arrived on the next day, so I could normally work.

In Japan, all of the researchers and other ordinary people were so kind. When I went to the hospital, it was hard to communicate with personnel in English and I had a hard time, however I am healthy right now. The Japanese food was delicious and I passed the time there safely. Now that I am back in Russia, I want to pursue a doctoral program abroad and to continue my research. My dream for the future is to make a realistic humanoid robot. I want to develop a robot that will do housework and office work to improve human life.


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