Ritsumeikan university

Ritsumeikan university Career Center

How to find companies hiring international students

Hiring process of new graduates in Japan is unique and systematic.
International students follow the same process as Japanese students do.
That means that you have abundant job opportunities you can apply for even though the openings do not specify for international students.

Some tools international students can find recruitment information are available as below.
You can access to online recruitment agent websites or each corporate website as well as Ritsumeikan Job Search Engine. Some websites are specialized for international students.

Ritsumeikan Job Search Engine (Japanese only)

Refer here for login instructions and how to search for companies hiring international students.

Here is a list of companies whose selection process is conducted in English. Some companies may conduct the whole process in English or just part of it. Check these openings regularly as new openings are added from time to time.

Companies Conducting Selection in English

Job-Hunting Websites for New Graduates

Company Research Tool


Public Organizations