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Interational Law, International Environmental Law
Research Topic
I have been carrying out my research in the legal system on Multilateral Environmental Agreements such as Kyoto Protocol and Convention on Biological Diversity. Now, the main subject of my study is International Sustainable Development Law. I am interested in how the sovereign States are trying to fill the gap between ideal and reality to secure global interests for the whole international community including global environmental protection and human rights for future-generations.
Advised Master’s Thesis (Last 5 years)
- 海洋紛争における中国の棚上げ概念の運用に関する一考察
-性質と変容の原因を中心に- - 気候変動がもたらす懸念に対する国際法上の一考察
-沈みゆく小島嶼国の国家性に関する議論- - 経済格差と被災格差の関連性